Three Colors: Blue at 30

My 10,000-word deep-dive on Kieslowski's masterpiece is published in a new anthology.

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Weekender: New Twitter. Doctor Strange’s Multiverse. Faith in musicals. SDG on The Northman.

Looking Closer has a new Twitter account! Also: Here are my first impressions of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, a link to the latest Arts & Faith movie list, and one of the reviews of The Northman I've been most looking forward to.

1 Comment7 Minutes

2015’s best films for a church basement film club?

If you were starting a "Looking Closer Movie Club" in your church basement, inviting adventurous viewers from your congregation, which films might be best to consider sharing with them? Discover the 2015 Arts and Faith Ecumenical Jury Awards.

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Memento or Vertigo? What’s Your Favorite Film About Memory?

The long-running community of friends and colleagues called Arts and Faith has published their latest list of essential films: The Top 25 Films on Memory.

1 Comment1 Minutes

Valentine's Day Special: Are These the Top 25 Films About Marriage?

When I think of great big-screen testaments to the challenges of lasting love, three films jump immediately to mind. And they're on my mind today as I peruse a new list of "The Top 25 Films About Marriage" from the Arts and Faith community, which is hosted by Image.

7 Comments12 Minutes