Looking Closer Recommends: Resources on Movies & Media
I read a lot of writers about movies and media.
These are just a few of the pages, perspectives, and people whose work I have found consistently rewarding and worth my time and attention over many years.
Keep a few things in mind as you look them up:
First, I didn’t say I always agree with them. But I want to honor them here as a sign of gratitude for what I have learned from them, and to say that I find disagreeing with them more constructive than frustrating.
Second, I know I’m leaving a lot of names off of this list that I could probably include. But these are the names I find myself wanting to look up on an almost daily basis because their writing is engaging even if I’m not particularly interested in the particular movie that they’re writing about.
Favorite Sources of Long-Form Film Criticism:
Good Letters: The Image Blog (infrequent film essays, among posts on many other arts-and-culture subjects, from a variety of writers)
Favorite Critics:

Lauren Wilford:
Bright Wall Dark Room, Movie Mezzanine, The Other Journal, Tumblr, Letterboxd
Alissa Wilkinson:
Vox, Christianity Today, AlissaWilkinson.com

Steven Greydanus:
Decent Films, The National Catholic Register, and Crux

Michael Sicinski:
The Academic Hack, Cinema Scope, Mubi

Matt Zoller Seitz:
RogerEbert.com, New York Magazine
David Thomson:
Author of Have You Seen . . . ? and The New Biographical Dictionary of Film
Mike D’Angelo:
Richard Brody:
Gareth Higgins:
Peter Chattaway:
Anthony Lane:
Michael Leary:
I’m also grateful for the reviews at Fandor’s Keyframe, and the amazing news archive kept by the irrepressible David Hudson at Keyframe Daily.