What Cookie Monster, the Abominable Snowman, Frankenstein, Gollum, Darth Vader, and Daniel Plainview Have in Common

What do Cookie Monster, the Abominable Snowman, Frankenstein, Gollum, Darth Vader, and Daniel Plainview have in common?
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Quiz: Johnny Depp will play A) Dillinger, B) The Mad Hatter, or C) Tonto...


Johnny Depp will soon add to his impressive list of characters by playing:

A) John Dillinger

B) The Mad Hatter


C) Tonto?


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The Kindlings Muse Movie Show is Back!

After taking the summer off, I was happy to reunite with the team for another Kindlings Muse movie show, recorded at Hales Pub and Brewery. Jennie Spohr was not able to join us; she's home enjoying the company of her newborn. Congratulations, Jennie! But I enjoyed a lively conversation with Greg Wright and Dick Staub about our favorite films of the summer, some new releases, some DVDs worth renting, and took a few moments to share some personal favorites that we consider "classics."
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New Auralia Thread Contest: Name the Site of a Meteor Strike

In the third book of The Auralia Thread -- Cal-raven's Ladder -- Cal-raven will venture to a very creepy place... a place where a meteor once struck and destroyed a forest, leaving a deep crater full of strange, glittering dust.

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What Do "Cyndere's Midnight" Readers Have in Common?

People who pre-ordered my new novel Cyndere's Midnight, or rushed out to grab a copy, are sending in photos to mark the occasion. To thank them, I'm sending them all free Cyndere's Midnight bookmarks.

And there's good news: I can extend the deadline another couple of weeks, because I just found out that the publisher's sending me MORE bookmarks!

The pictures are even more fun than I anticipated. I'll post a few of them below....

So, what do these pictures show us about people who are reading The Auralia Thread?

They're all a little bit crazy in the head. And that there's still a good market for bookmarks.

Oh... and I think of them all as friends.

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Still Walking (2008) - A Guest Review by Kenneth R. Morefield

Kenneth R. Morefield has just turned in a review of his favorite film of the Toronto International Film Festival.

So it's now very near the top of my must-see list for now...

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David Foster Wallace; The Curator; Robert Bresson


Lots and lots of David Foster Wallace links! Read, be amazed, and be even more distraught over the loss of an imaginative writer. And McSweeney's is paying tribute as well.



There's a new batch of articles at The Curator: Here are some teasers:

Caramel is the saddest thing.

Michael Chabon, blogging, writer's block, and learning to speak the truth.

Can a video game help us regain community?

Vassar Miller: beauty, humor, and poetry in the physically broken.



BEWARE!! At Christianity Today, Eric David has a piece on Robert Bresson.

If you read it, you might find yourself seeking out one of Bresson's films, like (A Man Escaped), my favorite prison-break film, or Au Hasard Balthazar, which is so full of mystery, poetry, and beauty that I try to watch it every year. And if you watch one of Bresson's films, you may watch others. And eventually, you might start thinking differently about what makes a good movie. And then your friends will start looking at you funny. And then you'll be alone.

So please, for your own sake, don't read Eric's piece.

And Eric, if you're reading? Nice work.

Jake Chism on "Cyndere's Midnight"

Well, I woke up to a very nice surprise.

Many thanks to Jake Chism for his enthusiasm!

Jeffrey Overstreet continues to awe and inspire with this second strand of the Auralia Thread. This is fantasy writing at the highest level and every line drips with moving prose and breathtaking description. Overstreet possesses the rare talent that allows him to methodically pace his narrative, all the while keeping the reader hanging on every word. It is impossible to fly through this story and at no time will you want to.

Cyndere’s Midnight is a beautiful tale laced with themes of love, honor, and justice. Jordam’s character is a wonder to behold as he struggles against his dark nature in the fight to embrace all that is right and true. Cyndere’s unyielding compassion for her rightful enemy will leave your heart soaring long after the last line.

As we journey further into this series, more revelations are brought to light that give the story an added dose of excitement. However, the larger mysteries still linger with promises of revelation in the final two installments. Overstreet also treats us to some intriguing new characters as well as bringing back the favorites from the first book. Yes, even the beloved ale boy is back!

If you are looking for a fresh new fantasy voice, then look no further. Jeffrey Overstreet will take you on a wondrous journey unlike anything you have ever experienced.

Surprise! "Cyndere's Midnight" is Here Early!

I've heard several reports today that Cyndere's Midnight showed up in Borders bookstores today. A day early!

It's already here! So, for those who can't wait... don't!

And Tuesday, it's everywhere.

And if you hurry and pick it up from your favorite bookstore THIS WEEK, I have a bonus for you...
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Lorna's Silence (2008) - A Guest Review by Kenneth R. Morefield

Lorna's Silence was one of the films featured at the Toronto International Film Festival that made me envy those able to attend.

The Dardennes are among my favorite filmmakers. How many artists can you think of who have a long list of movies without an occasional misstep along the way? The Dardennes have made a string of solid, masterful, thought-provoking films that are excellent inspirations for those who like to dig deep into post-viewing discussions.

So I'm extremely pleased to be able to offer this review of the film, sent in by Kenneth R. Morefield. Now... I just need to find a way to see it for myself.

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