The best book-to-movie achievements… and the worst

In which I talk about the art of book-to-movie productions, a lot of great movies, and a few terrible movies, with David Kern and Steven Greydanus. Listen to our lively, in-depth exploration of the art of adaptation!

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Three professors profess their love for The Secret of Kells

Listen as Jeffrey Overstreet welcomes Dr. Christine Chaney and Dr. Brian Bantum from Seattle Pacific University to a conversation about the many wonders of the movie The Secret of Kells.

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A tale of two podcasts: my visits to Forma and Libromania

In which I find myself as a special guest on two separate podcasts, both of them hosted by David Kern, for conversations about Madeleine L'Engle and the best movies of 2018.

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Widows (2018)

Widows starts with a bang and then devolves into an overstuffed, over-serious, and even predictable thriller.

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Madeline’s Madeline (2018)

Josephine Decker's wildly imaginative new film is worth seeing for its experimental ambitions, even if, in the end, it's all a bit too much.

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First Man (2018)

Putting Ryan Gosling's feet on the moon, Damien Chazelle has found firmer footing than he did in the eager-to-impress La La Land. This film is modest by comparison, but I find it haunting and enigmatic.

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The Hate U Give (2018)

Preachy, but elevated by an excellent lead performance, The Hate U Give is the kind of after-school special that all of America needs right now.

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