
I saw Woman, Thou Art Loosed just a couple of hours before seeing Ray, and wow, what a combination.Read more

Laws of sequels: Item 231a

Laws of sequels: Item 231a

A sequel must introduce the father, or at least a close family relation, of one of the first film's main characters.Read more

It's Only Fair

Having encouraged people to tear other Christian-film-reviews to pieces with their editing cutlery, I should put myself on the operating table as well. I do this to emphasize that I'm interested in better writing, not in belittling other review writers.Read more

My Star Wars Oath

I have never seen a Star Wars movie without knowing the story first.

Not once.

I read the novelisation before I saw Star Wars on the big screen... at seven years old.

I read the classic young-readers' Star Wars "storybooks" ... those large, thin books full of movie photos ... because my family forbade me to see The Empire Strikes Back on the big screen (they were concerned about the violence and the rumor in Christian circles that all of this Force stuff was of the occult), and because I was living out in the boonies at a campground the summer of Return of the Jedi. In fact, I never saw Empire on the big screen until the Special Editions arrived. That is just sad, I know.

I gulped down any spoilers I could find about Episodes 1 and 2.

This my last chance to see a Star Wars movie without knowing the story ahead of time. I want to be surprised. Disappointed or delighted, we'll see... but I want to go into the film without having already learned all of the surprises.

So please help me. Here is my oath:Read more

"Re-Viewing the Passion"

If you are at all interested in the plight of artists seeking to contribute serious religious art in the arena of mainstream art and entertainment, I encourage you to check out this new book of essays on Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

Read more

Saturday Night Not-So-Live

I remember when the music on Saturday Night Live was as much an event as the comedy.Read more

Election Blues

Count me among the crowd of people who wishes they could just go to sleep and wake up long after the election is over.Read more

Lost: I'm Hooked (Are You?)

Okay, I’m “out-ing” myself as a fan of the new TV series “Lost.”Read more