Superman Returns is a summer blockbuster. Chances are, you won’t be bored.
But if… if you find your mind wandering during the film, here are ten things you can do to pass the time:
- Count just how many actresses would have been better candidates for the role of Lois Lane than Kate Bosworth. Let’s see… Evangeline Lily, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Scarlet Johansson, Sarah Polley, Romola Garai, or hey… Parker Posey!
- Count how long it takes between the moment Clark Kent arrives back at the Daily Planet and the moment that Lois Lane’s life is in jeopardy for the first time. Something tells me his presence is somehow correspondent with life-threatening crises.
- Try to find some chemistry between Routh and Bosworth.
- Start guessing the many and varied headlines for articles in which Christian film critics hyperventilate with joy over the fact that they’ve noticed that Superman is a Christ-figure. It’s just so much better when movies come loudly broadcasting an obvious parallel with the gospel. That way we don’t have to do any thinking or interpreting for ourselves…
- Weep yet again over the fact that Singer left his fantastic X-Men franchise.
- Ask yourself who portrayed more acting prowess in their big adventure-film debuts: Brandon Routh or Hayden Christensen.
- Try to remember when Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is opening.
- Say to yourself, “It’s halfway through 2006. Do I have a Top Ten yet?”
- Count this film’s phallic symbols. My goodness.
- Think about all of the crises in this film that Superman could avert if he just did that Turn-Back-Time trick.
Or think about how Peter Parker is a much more compelling character than Clark Kent.
or repeat the name Peter Parker Posey low in your mouth several times.
it just sounds good.
i like forward to revisiting this list once the film comes out…
it’s pretty funny.
–RC of
Bah! You Marvel snobs.
Seven and eight are a hoot. On nine, I’m wondering if we should look for some subliminal phallic symbolism as well?
Kate Bosworth as Lois is one of the biggest sticking points for me in this film. She just doesn’t appear to come across with the sass that I’ve come to know the character to have. That and she just doesn’t come across as charismatic enough…
At least X3 got to show us something that was lacking in the previous two X-Men movies…namely, SUPERPOWERS!!
Why is everyone hating on this film? It isn’t like it’s an Elektra or something…
Jeffrey- Is it better watching movies in a regular theatre, a HD theatre, or in an IMAX?
Saw this movie tonight and it just plain sucked. I was so disappointed because Superman is my all time favorite super hero. Whoever cast Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane should be fired…and fired GOOD! Natalie Portman should have played Lois Lane hands down. Superman’s costume…Awful! Metropolis….looked like Cleveland, or St. Louis. Lex Luthor…Kevin Spacey looked bored, and that he was just there to collect a check. This movie had no soul whatsoever. It is the worst super hero movie ever made in my opinion. Didn’t even bother seeing The Hulk. Which I heard blew. Well, I guess now there’s only looking forward to Wonder Woman. If they cast Lindsay Lohan as Wonder Woman…I will boycott so bad!
Anonymous, I had to delete your post because you spoiled the movie’s surprise.
Otherwise, here’s the rest of your message:
“I agree, the actress they got to play Lois Lane was not a good match… She had an attitude but it wasn’t the right Lois Lane clutzy sassy one… She seemed like everyone annoyed her too in the movie… Her fiance, her boss, and even Superman… And how was she the only one investigating the power outages or whatever?”
Sorry Jeffrey, you missed that in your list of predictions.
good gracious! that’s crazy on every level.
by the by, what’d you think of the departed?