Noah (2014): Part Two of a Two-Part Commentary

In which two very different moviegoers wrestle with Noah, and with some of the questions that the movie asks.

22 Comments30 Minutes

Noah (2014): Part One of A Two-Part Commentary

Darren Aronofsky made an epic Old Testament movie in which he wrestled with some of humankind's most difficult questions. And Christians responded with admirable attention, grace, intelligence, and humility. Right? No? That didn't happen?

7 Comments14 Minutes

Is It Dangerous? Biblical? Gnostic? Awesome? — Here’s All The Noah That’s Fit to Print

Let's focus on the reviews of Noah that demonstrate an actual love for movies, an interest in our neighbor Darren Aronofsky, and a willingness to engage his ideas.

26 Comments8 Minutes

Three Years Ago Today, We Raised Our Glasses to the Ale Boy

"This is my favorite fantasy series," says the latest Amazon reviewer of The Ale Boy's Feast, the fourth and final book in my series of fantasy novels called The Auralia Thread. "I recommend it to everyone 13 through 120."

1 Comment6 Minutes

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

Every scene was like a spectacular frosted pastry with a sharp object baked into the middle of it.

3 Comments21 Minutes

Seven Films That the Oscars Forgot

Now would be a great time to catch up with what the Oscars missed. And they missed a lot. Good news: Most of those titles are now easily accessible for you to enjoy at home.

0 Comments1 Minutes

The Passion of the Christ: Revisited

Would I now disagree with the review I wrote ten years ago? Would I flinch to read what I wrote back then?

4 Comments38 Minutes

What’s So Funny? – Part 2

When movies make fun of religious characters, should we laugh?

1 Comment31 Minutes

What’s So Funny? (Or: Christianity and Comedy are Not Exclusive)

A criminal steals a baby. Are you laughing? A rabbi uses Jesus's name in vain? Is that funny?

3 Comments26 Minutes

The Incredibles (and Other 10-Year-Old Films); Jesus Films; Matt Zoller Seitz; Scott Cairns

This week, special thanks go out to Brad Bird, Matt Zoller Seitz, and more. Find out why.

0 Comments6 Minutes

Not Gonna Bow: Notes on the Oscars

It appears that a lot of people have completely misunderstood what cinema is for, concluding that it's all some big cockamamie competition.

7 Comments5 Minutes

The Great Beauty (2013)

I've just seen "The Great Beauty" and I'm still a little bit drunk on its imagery. It's a feast for those with big appetites for beauty on the big screen. But alas, the meal is soured by a bitter syrup.

4 Comments9 Minutes

Before You See That Noah Movie, Read This…

Here's an article about the upcoming "Noah" movie that's sure to rub some Christian readers the wrong way. But Darren Aronofsky likes it. So does Russell Crowe. And so do I.

7 Comments4 Minutes

Hard to Be a God — The Science Fiction Film of the Decade?

This film first won my attention when one of my favorite film critics rated it a perfect "10." I began to dig for information. What is this movie? Why such a bold title?

6 Comments12 Minutes

The LEGO Movie (2014)

The LEGO Movie is, at once, a movie with more laughs-per-minute than any recent comedy I can remember; the greatest LEGO invention of all time; and a thrilling summons to unleash our own creativity — not only with our LEGOs, but with our lives.

8 Comments17 Minutes

Six Movies to Revisit Before You See The LEGO Movie

I encourage you to revisit this short list of movies before you go watch the LEGOs this weekend. Why? Let me explain...

6 Comments4 Minutes

Through a Screen Darkly… Again?

My book Through a Screen Darkly was published in 2007. Martha Bayles' book, grabbing the same title, was published in January 2014. I'm going to take that as a compliment.

0 Comments13 Minutes

In Case You Missed It: Personal Highlights of 2013

I am so grateful for evenings, weekends, and coffee breaks. Those are the chances I have to share what I do best. I hope that some of it was useful to you in 2013. Here are some of the highlights of my past year...

2 Comments18 Minutes

Her (2013): a guest review

Guest reviewer Lauren Wilford on Spike Jonze's new film: "Depending on your perspective, Her has either an amazing elevator pitch or an awful one: 'A guy falls in love with his iPhone.'"

6 Comments15 Minutes

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): a commentary

"What? You liked The Wolf of Wall Street? How could you possibly recommend such a profane movie that revels in so much evil?" Written as a response to messages like that one, this post was originally titled "Respect The Wolf of Wall Street (The Movie, Not the Man)"

13 Comments22 Minutes

Listen Closer: Peter Gabriel, Joe Henry

A new year of musical invention begins with an all-star lineup of artists celebrating the music of Peter Gabriel. Also: Joe Henry, live at KEXP.

0 Comments2 Minutes

Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2013 — Part Two (#10-#1)

What music meant the most to you in 2013? Here are my personal favorite albums of the year— a top ten list for a year that was overflowing with great music.

3 Comments31 Minutes

Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2013 — Part One (#25-#11)

I've narrowed this year's list of my favorite records down to 25 titles that I would have happily included in a Top 5 list at the end of a typical year. I invite you to listen to standout tracks, counting down from #25 to #11.

0 Comments16 Minutes

Her (2013): a fictional review

This review of Spike Jonze's film "Her" is Part Four of the new fiction series I call "All Thumbs Video."

2 Comments30 Minutes

Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)

His name is Salieri, and in Milos Forman’s beloved film "Amadeus," he is played by F. Murray Abraham. Why am I talking about "Amadeus" when this is supposed to be a review of "Inside Llewyn Davis"? Stay with me. It’s important.

2 Comments13 Minutes

Looking Closer’s Last-Minute Christmas Gift Recommendations

Many of you are scrambling to pick up gifts for friends and family, and I feel compelled to bring some possibilities to your attention... gifts that would enrich the lives of those who care about excellence, beauty, truth, and the arts.

0 Comments16 Minutes

Big Screen 2014: Been There… and Back Again… and Again…

There's a new "Gilligan's Island" movie in the works. What's more, those two sequels you've been dying to see are finally happening: a follow-up to "Rounders" and the mandatory "Shakespeare in Love 2." What will we do while we wait for these grand contributions to cinema? No worries. Here's what Hollywood has in store for us...

3 Comments6 Minutes

The Abomination of “Desolation”: Two Hobbit-Related Lists

"The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is here. But I didn't attend the press screening. Why? I'll explain. But first, here are five important bits from a review by my favorite movie reviewer...

7 Comments7 Minutes

Looking Closer with Jeffrey Overstreet

(now the ears of my ears awake andnow the eyes of my eyes are opened)

– e. e. cummings, “i thank You God for most this amazing”