Nurse Claire Nieman’s Christmas Playlist
December 24, 2014
It just made sense. Inviting people to share Christmas playlists, shouldn't I invite someone who spends her days welcoming newborn babies?
0 Comments8 Minutes
W. David O. Taylor and Phaedra Taylor’s Christmas Playlist
December 23, 2014
W. David O. Taylor and Phaedra Taylor bring us one step closer to Christmas Eve with their own Christmas playlist.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Andy Whitman’s Christmas Playlist
December 23, 2014
Nobody I know writes about music with more passion, personality, and insight than Andy Whitman. And here he is with a Christmas playlist.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Steve Taylor’s Christmas Playlist
December 22, 2014
It is a thrill for me to share this Christmas playlist from one of my heroes for more than 30 years of artmaking.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Author Robert Clark’s Christmas Playlist
December 21, 2014
You may know the name Robert Clark because of his celebrated writing. Since I pay attention to his recommendations in almost everything, I knew that I wanted to include his Christmas playlist in this series.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Christmas, Calling, Carols, and #Ferguson: Jeff Keuss Hosts a Conversation with Rev. Richard Dahlstrom, Dr. Brian Bantum, Anna Miller, and Myself (with Music from Eric Miller)
December 21, 2014
What can we learn from Mary, the mother of Christ, that can help us understand what is happening in Ferguson?
0 Comments2 Minutes
Poet Tania Runyan’s Christmas Playlist
December 21, 2014
The author of How to Write a Poem shows us how to make a Christmas playlist.
0 Comments7 Minutes