From the Widsom of St. Cinemas, Excerpt 1

St. Cinemas, or St. Criticus Cinemas of Cineplexia (as he is also known) is one of the first and most revered film critics. Some find him to be "snooty" and "elitist." He remains reviled by many on the right and on the left, and this applies if you take me to refer to political leanings or mere geographical location.

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Zoe Kazan sparks an epiphany

I've been talking about big-screen women, how they can reinforce harmful stereotypes, or set bold, truthful, and liberating precedents. Looks like Lauren Wilford, over at Filmwell, has been thinking about some of the same things. Here she is, passionately describing her gratitude for a new film that many of us might otherwise have overlooked...

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Indiana Jones and the Fall of My Favorite Hero, Part Three: Oh, My Aching Skulls!

As it turned out, Crystal Skull was amusing but disappointing, underlining Raiders' strengths as unique, the kind of adventure storytelling we were unlikely to see again on the big screen.

1 Comment6 Minutes

Will Martin Scorsese Ever Give Us Some Silence?

This is your chance. Read the book. Read it slowly, share it with your friends, and discuss it. Savor the experience before the movie changes the experience and prevents millions of moviegoers from ever having that first, memorable journey through the story the way it was meant to be experienced.

1 Comment4 Minutes

Indiana Jones and the Fall of My Favorite Hero, Part Two: The Biggest Loser

Perhaps it’s not so much Indy’s virtues or successes that distinguish him. Consider, instead, his failures. Has there ever been a hero so prone to failure as Indiana Jones?

2 Comments4 Minutes

Indiana Jones and the Fall of My Favorite Hero, Part One: King of Heroes?

On June 12, 1981, moviegoers watched Indiana Jones disarm a gunslinging traitor with one swift lash of his bullwhip. The bloodied villain, caught red-handed (literally), fled, and we saw Harrison Ford’s glare smolder beneath the brim of that fedora for the first time. We knew he meant business.

0 Comments8 Minutes

Pontius Pilate… The Movie!

Has Pontius Pilate ever been a central character in a film? This sounds like it could bring a fascinating new perspective to the life of Christ on film. Here's the scoop from Deadline...

1 Comment1 Minutes

Man on Fire (2004)

How are we to feel about a man portrayed as a hero -- and more, a Christ figure -- who is more inclined to recommend suicide than repentance?

0 Comments15 Minutes

The Hunger Games: Did You Ask For Seconds, or Send It Back to the Kitchen?

Time for a post-game show on The Hunger Games. What did you think of the movie? Can you think of other novels for teen readers or young adults that better deserve this kind of treatment and attention?

3 Comments1 Minutes