Holy Motors (2012)

Whether you call it inspiring, baffling, offensive, or exhausting — I suspect you'll describe it as "all of the above" — I think you'll agree with me that this film is truly unforgettable. Despite the millions of dollars fueling 2012’s special-effects extravaganzas, I doubt I’ll experience anything as exhilarating as this.

0 Comments8 Minutes

Looking Elsewhere: November 21, 2012

Look! These links caught my attention today, for one reason or another. Check back later. I may add more look-worthy links as the day goes on.

1 Comment3 Minutes

Tiger, Tiger, Burning Blight: The Problem With Pi-ety

If A. O. Scott's description of Ang Lee's new movie "Life of Pi" is accurate, then he's confirming my suspicions about the hollowness of the narrative's heart.

9 Comments7 Minutes

35 Years Ago Today, Strange Lights Filled the Sky

Today's anniversary nearly slipped past me. But then a tweet from actor Richard Dreyfuss caught my eye...

2 Comments7 Minutes

Father-Figuring It Out: "Margaret," "Moonrise Kingdom," and More

What does "Moonrise Kingdom" have in common with "The Master," "Sinister," "Beasts of the Southern Wild," and "Margaret"?

3 Comments1 Minutes

Skyfall (2012)

The new James Bond movie comes armed with something that "The Dark Knight Rises" lacked: playfulness. It has a winning sense of humor about itself all the way through. I’ll take this movie any day over Nolan’s latest tsunami of ponderousness and self-importance.

6 Comments12 Minutes

Lincoln (2012)

This time, Spielberg focuses on the delicate art of bringing characters to life instead of the anxious work of provoking one's audience into reacting.

3 Comments16 Minutes

The Loneliest Planet (2011)

I would not say that I find the movie satisfying, but I do find it powerfully haunting. And that is my way of paying the filmmaker and her cast a compliment. To be haunted by a work of art is a better thing than to be satisfied by it. It means that the movie will play on in my imagination, challenging me and asking me to pay attention. I cannot paraphrase with any certainty what "The Loneliest Planet" means, but I am certain that it is extraordinarily meaningful...

4 Comments14 Minutes

Flight (2012)

Robert Zemeckis's catalog of movies is like a box of chocolates: You may not know what flavor you're going to get, but the rest of the experience is predictable. Each movie may be a little crunchy, but they'll all melt in your mouth, giving you a fleeting sugar high, and then vanishing without any lasting benefit. "Flight" is no exception.

2 Comments11 Minutes

Your Favorite Wes Anderson Movie: Which One… and Why?

Which Wes Anderson movie is your favorite? And why? I want to know. And if you're willing to share, I might share your perspective on an upcoming podcast. You might even win a portrait of Raleigh St. Clair (Bill Murray). Here are the details...

16 Comments1 Minutes