When You Wish Upon Star Wars – Episode Seven

So, Princess Leia is a Disney Princess now. Despite all of the fanboy dreams that are kindled by the news, I still can't get excited about it. Lucas did a thorough job of spoiling my enjoyment of the world he created. Still... if Disney hired me as a consultant, here's what I'd suggest...

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Happy 20th Birthday to a Great American Movie

Redford's adaptation of A River Runs Through It turned 20 years old last week. Today, it remains vivid and fresh and profound. It restores my soul.

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Fellini's 8 1/2, Revisited

Today at Filmwell, a film blog (?) that lives at The Other Journal, Michael Leary and I begin an epic journey, playing Siskel and Ebert all the way through what the Sight and Sound 2012 critics poll has voted the top ten films of all time.

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Here Comes Good Letters Post #88. What Movie Should I Choose?

I'm pondering six films as I decide which I'll write about for my next post at Good Letters. I've heard from several people, and Fellini's 8 1/2 seems to be the popular choice. What do you think? Peruse the list here...

1 Comment3 Minutes

Sinister (2012)

"Sinister" is not only director Scott Derrickson’s most fully realized vision but also his most personal film so far. And as haunted houses go, this one is beautifully noisy.

1 Comment15 Minutes

Argo (2012)

Many are predicting an array of Oscars for "Argo." It's a more deserving film than a lot of recent Best-Picture winners. Count me among its admirers. But don't number among the enthusiasts.

4 Comments12 Minutes