Django Unchained (2012)

"Django Unchained" stands in stark contrast to traditions of American storytelling that have covered up the suffering slaves endured. When a culture tells stories that excuse its own evils long enough, the pendulum is sure to swing the other direction to reveal, even exaggerate, what has been left out.

10 Comments18 Minutes

The Best Films of 2012? Here's the Indiewire 2012 Critics Poll

So… was The Master a good movie, or not? What about Lincoln or The Avengers? What about This is 40 or Zero Dark Thirty? 204 film critics voted in this year’s Indiewire critics’ poll. Their choices do not resemble the Box Office Top 10 or the movies likely to be honored by the Golden Globes. Why is that? Who's right?

1 Comment10 Minutes

Les Misérables (2012)

I suspect that this testimony will earn me a lashing from fans. The power of Les Misérables' narrative, the force of its music and lyrics, and the enthusiasm of its fan base are considerable, and anyone who criticizes the film is probably going to look like a monster.

23 Comments22 Minutes

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

"The Muppet Christmas Carol" was about as faithful an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic story as the Muppets could make in the midst of their typical mischief. Nevertheless, fans could feel that something was missing. The regular cast of characters seemed to have lost their personalities...

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Margaret – The Extended Cut (2012)

I'm grateful to the good folks at The Brehm Center for inviting me to contribute to their film site Reel Spirituality. And my first contribution there is about a movie I've been eager to see for several years. I can't believe I'm finally reviewing it.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

The filmmakers took one children's book and expanded it into three movies. So I'll take this one movie and expand it into two movie reviews...

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