New York Online Film Critics Awards - 2004

The first group of critics have delivered their film awards for 2004. (The National Board of Review members aren't exactly critics.)

New York Online Film Critics Awards




Martin Scorsese (The Aviator)


Jamie Foxx


Imelda Staunton (Vera Drake)


Thomas Haden Church (Sideways)


Laura Linney (Kinsey) (tie)

Cate Blanchett (The Aviator) (tie)


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Charlie Kaufman)


The Motorcycle Diaries


Broadway: The Golden Age (tie)

Supersize Me (tie)


The Incredibles


Hero (Christopher Doyle)


Topher Grace (P.S.; In Good Company)


Joshua Marston (Maria Full of Grace)


1. Sideways

2. The Aviator

3. Before Sunset

4. Hero

5. Kinsey

6. Bad Education

7. The Incredibles

8. The Motorcycle Diaries

9. House of Flying Daggers


Ocean's Twelve - "Recess" for the Stars

It's hard to come away from Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve without a bad taste in your mouth. After all, it appears that immensely talented individuals have channeled gobs of money into a high-profile project that a) has little or nothing of substance to offer, and b) appears to be packed end to end with famous people who wanted an excuse to celebrate their own popularity and coolness.

But then again, both films are thoroughly entertaining, and this new one provokes a thousand laughs. I was at once put-off by the cleverness-for-cleverness' sake and impressed by director Steven Soderbergh's relentlessly dazzling style.

If you're going to go see it, read as little as possible about it before you do.Read more

Bob Dylan Speaks

If you missed the 60 Minutes special...Read more

Report: The Voice of Aslan is...

... Bryan Cox.

(At least, that's what Ain't It Cool News is reporting.)

I'm thrilled.

Cox has a big, booming, rough voice. He never wastes one line of dialogue. His voice has so much more character, personality, and complexity than the large-but-dull voices usually employed for characters of commanding authority.

I was afraid they'd go for a voice that would be instantly recognizable to the moviegoing public, but Cox is lesser-known than James Earl Jones (who's already played a Lion King) and Sean Connery (who proved with Dragonheart that he should never voice a big animated character again (because, really, who wasn't thinking about Sean Connery every time he spoke)?

I have little doubt that when Cox growls, we will feel that hot lion breath on our faces, and something in even the bravest soul will tremble.

Fun Facts About Kinsey

While the mainstream press writes off the Kinsey-backlash as merely a sign of paranoia and hysteria from conservatives, those who are paying attention are having quite a chuckle over the facts that the movie ignores.

Thanks to Kathy Shaidle's Relapsed Catholic:

"The Rockefeller Foundation eventually shut off its spigot of financing for the Kinsey Institute during the early 1950s, not because this was the McCarthy era and Kinsey's findings were associated with communism as the movie claims (in fact, Kinsey voted Republican and purged his institute of suspected leftists), but because professional statisticians had by then thoroughly discredited his research."

The thing is, if Christians did scientific research the way Alfred Kinsey did sex research, there would be an uproar about how those Christians are full of crap, how they don't use their brains, how they're breaking all the rules.

But because popular culture WANTS to believe Kinsey's claims, nobody's bothering to challenge his shoddy research.

Here's more on the subject (via Relapsed Catholic):

"Kinsey’s statistics were so seriously flawed that no reputable scientific survey has ever been able to duplicate them. (...) "the December 11, 1949, New York Times, W. Allen Wallis, then chairman of the University of Chicago’s committee on statistics, dismissed 'the entire method of collecting and presenting the statistics which underlie Dr. Kinsey’s conclusions.' Wallis noted, 'There are six major aspects of any statistical research, and Kinsey fails on four.'"


The Lovers on the Bridge (1991)

With amazing performances and some bizarre spectacles, Leos Carax's The Lovers on the Bridge a paints unforgettable (if not exactly admirable) pictures of wild romance.

Plunging us into a the difficult and unpredictable lives of the homeless in Paris, Carax shows us an ugly, cruel world that is full of betrayals. Romantic love and passion are upheld as the best hope for a fulfilling life, and its characters pursue this with a passion, believing it should be attained no matter what.

And what characters: Denis Lavant plays Alex, a homeless man who resembles one of the cavemen from 2001, roaming around Pont-Neuf breathing fire... literally. (He's a fire eater.) He falls into a stormy romance with an artist who is going blind, played by Juliette Binoche, who we are expected to believe could live as an overlooked homeless woman.

Anyone who thinks that romantic love will be the way to satisfaction and fulfillment is setting themselves up for disappointment. Romantic love is a step, an experience that can point the way toward selflessness, compassion, and meaningful sacrifice. But the movie wants our hearts to break for these two lost individuals as they fumble toward ecstasy. For all of its impressive excess, the whole affair feels rather empty. This may come from its failure to offer us a thoughtful exploration of its characters' stories. But everything is staged at such extremes, it hinders thought. It's a performance art slideshow set to music that's turned up to "11."

As Charles Taylor wrote in his review at Salon,

There's no denying that some of [Carax's] images are exquisite, but they aren't tied to anything narratively or emotionally. "I don't really write scripts," Carax told Kehr. "I make notes, and then, when we're at the point of finding the money, I pretend to write a scenario."

And yet, while it's difficult to take seriously, The Lovers on the Bridge is worth a look for the strength of its throw-caution-to-the-wind performances by Lavant and Binoche, who deliver something more along the lines of a stunt exhibition at a circus than acting, and for some truly awe-inspiring cinematography and spectacle. Have you ever been water-skiing at night through a fireworks show? That's just one of the marvels you'll see here, one of the metaphors for the exhilaration of finding someone who loves you.

The folly of its desperate duo may inspire some compassion, helping us see beyond the alarming violence of their romance to the stories behind their pain. As we watch these two desperate, damaged human beings throw themselves at one another, we see recklessness and selfishness. But we also see the beginnings of wisdom as they learn to care for someone besides themselves.

But overall, The Lovers on the Bridge feels like the work of a flamboyant art student who thinks that he can illustrate a profound love story by firing cannonballs of paint at a canvas. The explosions are spectacular, but in service of what, exactly?

My weekend In Good Company in L.A.

I just returned from L.A., where I had an opportunity to participate in a press conference with writer/director Paul Weitz, asking him questions about one of the most enjoyable mainstream comedies of the year, In Good Company, which stars Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, and Scarlett Johansson.

I also had the privilege of tossing a couple of questions at Quaid and Grace.

And I had the fantastic, inspiring experience of getting better acquainted with many of my fellow religious-press film critics.

I'll post something more detailed about this soon, but suffice to say that if you liked Weitz's previous film About a Boy, you'll probably like this one. It's an engaging, amusing, and ultimately edifying tale about ethics in business, about the value of a good family, and about investing yourself in what you believe in. Quaid and Grace have good chemistry, and both provide strong performances. If it weren't for an unfortunate twist that takes pre-marital sex as if it's a fun and diverting activity, it would be on my year's best list. As it is, it's a flawed but entirely worthwhile film.

I stayed at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. It was my third visit to that hotel. And let me tell you, the place is like Disneyland. You walk in and see your favorite characters. I sat down in the restaurant and, lo, there was Liam Neeson chatting with someone across the room. The next day, I was taking an elevator down several floors, and who should step in and share the ride but Adam Sandler. I thanked him for Punch-drunk Love, and he seemed surprised, as if he doesn't often get appreciation for THAT movie.

Shaft (2000)

[These first-impression comments were published when on the opening weekend of the film in 2000.]

Some actors have the gift of disappearing into a character, so that each role becomes a new revelation. But Hollywood seems to pride itself on developing a different kind of actor, the star that usually play the same role, with a different name and a different hat each time. These actors usually spend their years trying to find the character best suited to their personality.

Samuel Jackson is of that variety, and he's about as good as those actors get, a compelling presence who steals every scene he's in, even if he's a supporting character.

In John Singleton's Shaft, Jackson finally takes center stage, and it's hard to imagine a vehicle more suited to his strengths. Even though he recycles many of the expressions and intonations he gave Jules in Pulp Fiction, Jackson makes John Shaft a much more interesting, entertaining, and compelling character than the original Shaft.

There is one striking difference. The original Shaft (who shows up briefly here, played again by Richard Roundtree) was a ladies' man, and the movies celebrated his sexual exploits with any woman he met. Jackson's Shaft exchanges flirtations with every woman he meets, and we are led to believe that he does, on occasion, do something about it. But the movie doesn't dwell on his sex life. In fact, I almost had the feeling that this dirty wordplay might be only a game. The movie never shows us our hero actually engaging in these promised trysts at all. Nowhere is the movie's disinterest in sex more obvious than in the fact that former Miss America Vanessa Williams is portrayed as Shaft's tough-as-nails partner, and nothing more. She doesn't even wear makeup. I found this restraint refreshing. This has caused a lot of critics to complain... critics who go in wanting something specific, not open to anything new.

Regardless of the details of his lust-life, the new Shaft is a leaner, meaner Dirty Harry of the streets. He's an icon of vigilante justice. Such heroes usually bother me. They disrespect the importance of the law, and thumb their nose at the efforts of those who do try to make the law work for the people. Shaft is indeed overly violent and forceful in his methods. But his efforts did not strike me so much as disrespect for the law so much as a realization that, because he is in the presence of corrupt police officers, he has to do some behind-the-scenes work to lure those evil lawmen into a trap and restore dignity to the badge. He endeavors to expose the evil, to make a crooked system straight. While it compromises the integrity of the law to celebrate heroes who see themselves as "above" the law, Shaft's errors are more well-intentioned, more honorable than most. In a time when minorities are up in arms about prejudice in police forces and in the courts, Shaft's methods aren't hard to understand.

In this episode, Shaft investigates a hate crime and, much to our surprise, finds his man right away. (Fortunately for the audience, the movie doesn't become another guessing game of whodunit.) Walter Wade (Christian Bale) is a sneering, racist rich boy who gets cuffed by Shaft at the scene of a murder. Wade first eludes his punishment with the influence of his famous, wealthy father. But as Shaft closes in, Wade is driven to make connections with dangerous men for his own protection. There's a witness out there, after all, a bartender named Diane (Toni Collette), who could testify against him. Wade has got to put a bullet in her head before Shaft finds her and convinces her to take the stand. So he links up with the local crime lord, Peoples Hernandez (the extraordinary Jeffrey Wright). So the film becomes a race: will Shaft find Diane and draw her out of hiding, or will Wade and Hernandez manage to get there first?

Christian Bale's performance as Wade just might be the role that brings him the attention he has deserved since his astounding introduction in Spielberg's underappreciated Empire of the Sun. He's a seething, arrogant punk who manages to exist as a complicated, believable character instead of a one-dimension bad guy. He seems to be competing with Jeffrey Wright to be the film's central villain, and although Wright's performance is more impressive, Bale's bad boy is the one we most want to see locked up. I found the scenes between Bale and Wright compelling, unpredictable, and intense, a demonstration of just how the pride and selfishness of evil men can cause their conspiracies to collapse from within. And in spite of such dazzling villains, Shaft manages to remain the most interesting character. That is a rare and unusual feat. A James Bond movie is only as good as its secondary characters, but Shaft joins a very short list of heroes who are full of surprises.

Director John Singleton is known for urban dramas about real issues, so I thought him an odd choice for such a mainstream, commercial, cops and robbers game. But he makes a talky, issues-oriented script by Richard Price into a slick, pedal-to-the-metal action movie that avoids gaudy explosions and preposterous stunts. Even though I was on the edge of my seat, I was also well-aware of a very real issue raised by Price's plot: the law has become too complacent and complicated to do much good on the streets, and somebody has got to go out and help the people that are getting hurt. This is never made preachy; the action thunders on, quite an impressive balancing act.

Yes, there is a lot of violence here. Yes, the body count climbs fast. But the action scenes are in the longstanding tradition of cops and robbers shows. This isn't realism; it's a world of archetypes, and fairly fresh versions at that. Shaft is the larger-than-life thinking, caring, get-down-to-business good guy, and the bad guys are liars, traitors, drug lords. There's enough tongue-in-cheek humor to the action to toe the line of comic book fantasy.

This film isn't here to portray life on the streets. It does raise interesting questions. And the actors do bring startling dimension to their characters. But the primary focus of the film, and the real reason we're here, is to watch Samuel Jackson sink his teeth into the Shaft's trash-talking dialogue. Shaft is so generous with his brash, disarmingly big smile that if he teamed up with Ethan Hunt from Mission: Impossible it would turn into a contest of pearly whites. But unlike Cruise's Hunt, Jackson's Shaft is more than muscle. He can think fast. He doesn't need big explosions. He doesn't even need martial arts. His gifts lie in compassion for the persecuted, and in the seemingly effortless orchestration of justice, helping villains along their way to the consequences of their own actions. Several times I laughed out loud and cheered to see his cleverness pay off. That's more than I can say about any other summer action movie so far this year.

28 Days Later (2003)

After seeing the preview for 28 Days Later, those who love violent zombie movies rushed to the theatre hoping for chaotic bloodletting and absurd violence. Most others assumed it would be  just another icky horror film, and they steered around it as if it were typical roadkill. And who can blame them? Derivative, disposable horror movies show up almost every week these days, and those worth discussing are rarities indeed.

But Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) had a lot on his mind while he assembled this low-budget, high-tension thriller about zombies and the apocalypse. The result is, yes, terrifying, but not just in the "Yikes!" sort of way. It's scary because, while we may never be stalked by slimy zombies, we are coming to know more and more what it is like to live in the midst of an angry, violent, explosive populace.

Like the best horror films, 28 Days Later taps into our primal fears. And like the best science fiction, it reflects things about the present and dares to prophesy about the monsters waiting for us around the corner.

Boyle's troubling tale takes a cue from Stephen King's The Stand, examining the effects of a massive and aggressive virus on a heavily populated city. It opens with a bicycle courier named Jim (Cillian Murphy) waking up in a hospital. He disconnects himself from the abandoned medical equipment that someone had apparently been using to monitor his condition. And then he heads out into a city that has strangely turned to a ghost town.

Or better... a zombie town.

We soon learn that an epidemic has wiped out Jim's world, a plague that began when scientists performed cruel experiments on monkeys, forcing them to watch newsreel highlights of the atrocities that human beings visit upon each other. The tests led to an outbreak of a virus appropriately named "Rage." Rage takes over its host organisms and reduces them to barbaric, beastly behavior.

So Rage victims are not technically zombies... they're not the undead. They are human beings whose higher natures have been overcome by a demonic acceleration of their baser appetites, turning them into murderous, ravenous beasts who mindlessly seek to kill those with more civilized and spiritually mature faculties.

In a panic, Jim hurries to a church for help, only to find the congregation slaughtered and bloodthirsty monsters lying in wait for him. He learns that attacks are not the only danger: contact with a mere drop of blood from the infected can render a man defenseless against the disease. Running for his life, Jim stumbles onto some survivors who teach him how to fight the heartless monsters. Together, they strive to learn the truth behind the rumors of a military outpost that offers refuge for the uninfected.

What they learn is hard to accept — that sin is inescapable. Even if uninfected human beings manage to hold these irrational Rage-monsters at bay, other forms of evil will rise in the human heart and corrupt us in other ways. To resist these forces, Jim and his friends will need more than barricades and weapons. Their resources are running out, and anyone who might be alive and able to help them is probably across the sea. They will need more than humanitarian aid and a Bono-led fundraiser.

Be warned: 28 Days Later is extremely violent and, at times, bloody enough to send the squeamish running for the exits. I am not a fan of the genre, because it seems to exist as an excuse to play upon our fears and to indulge in excessive violence and gore. This zombie movie, however, kept me riveted with its ideas, characterizations, and with the way it accomplishes so much with so little.

Screenwriter Alex Garland's predictions are not too far off the mark. While I doubt there is any virus that can turn us into the bloodseeking, ranting, raving creeps that haunt this thriller, we have certainly seen the public more easily stirred up into violent outbreaks in recent years. And there have been rumors of nasty viruses that are growing stronger as our devices for hindering them get stronger. So the "ghost-town" aspect might not be such an outrageous idea.

Moreover, as I watched Jim and his companions fight for survival, I thought of the plight of African natives, who live today in fear of the forces that are butchering their communities. Even now, Sudan's native population is crying out for help while their own Arab-dominated government funds this century's first genocide.

I'm not just "reading into it." Despite its disturbing visions and fantastic premise, Boyle's film has critics examining it as a relevant tale for the era of SARS, AIDS, the West Nile Virus, and epidemics of civil unrest. Charles Mudede of the Seattle weekly newspaper The Stranger writes,

No book or painting could have captured the late '90s better than The Matrix; no sonata or sculpture could have better captured the post-Iraq War 2 mood than X2. If X2 got to the terrifying heart of the days leading to our most recent war, then 28 Days Later got to the heart of SARS. True, SARS came about after 28 Days Later was made (2002), but the environment that made the disease all the rage for the better part of the first half of 2003 is the very same environment that makes 28 Days Later the best horror film of our time.

Perhaps the most important lesson of the film is this: A response to evil that is merely rational and forceful, lacking love and compassion, will lead to whole new atrocities. Evil thrives within the hearts of human beings, and it excels at corrupting any devices we design.

Danny Boyle may have meant to write off religion by showing the bloodied church and the monstrous clergy at the beginning of the film. If so, he subverts his own anti-religious prejudice... for 28 Days Later is often punctuated with flourishes of sacred music, which seem to suggest that we may have to look beyond military might and appeal to the powers of heaven if we want to survive our own corruption.