U2 in Church ... A Wonderful Night

I had to fight back some serious surges of emotion tonight as a dream came true for me. I'd always wanted to share with my church what it is about U2 that moves me so much, what it is about their work that has transformed my life and drawn me closer to God.

My pastor invited me to do just that this week, and tonight I was given the better part of an hour to tell U2's story, to draw the attention of the congregation to the poetry of Bono's lyrics, to talk about how cleverly and brilliantly they weave themes of grace, echoes of Scripture, and reminders of Christ into their music.

I must thank, and thank, and thank Nathan Partain for performing three U2 songs beautifully ... and on very short notice. (Thanks also to Luke, who backed him up on piano and accordion.) He sang "Until the End of the World," "The First Time," and "Wake Up Dead Man" with passion and skill, and in that way kept us focused on the art of the songs instead of upon the celebrities who composed them.Read more

The Narnia Trailer is Here!

The wardrobe awaits... Posted by Hello

See Aslan. Hear Aslan Roar.

My thoughts:

Looks like the big, Lord of the Rings-style treatment, alright.

And it'll make crowds happy. The crowd of fans who watched it with me at Biola a few weeks ago went berzerk and demanded an encore performance. So the fans are going to be happy, generally.Read more

U2 in Church!

U2 will NOT be playing live at GreenLake Presybterian Church on Sunday night.
But their history, art, and ministry will be the focus of my presentation there.

Tomorrow night, I'll be talking about the work and testimony of U2 at GreenLake Presbyterian Church.Read more

Peter Gabriel - "Play" = surround sound heaven

If you have a surround-sound DVD system, and if you have any interest in the music of Peter Gabriel, Play has just become THE ultimate Peter Gabriel experience.Read more

Kingdom of Heaven: Reviews, Responses

My review of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven is developing, but I'll say this: I liked it better than Gladiator.

Read more

THUMBS' UP? What Christian critics say about "Hitchhikers"

My column is up.

One of the highlights, from my friend Annabelle, who never hesitates to speak her mind:Read more

REVISED: First (and Second) Thoughts on "Kingdom of Heaven"

I saw Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven today. I'll write a review soon. But first, a few comments on how it fits into the trend of new "spiritual" films...

Better to call it Kingdom of Tolerance.Read more

Boxing Day

Warning: Late-afternoon rant ahead.

Watching one of those movie-trailer television commercials on Monday (I mean, a TV commercial projected on the big screen, not a movie trailer on television), I finally reached the breaking point.

The commercial was for The Apprentice and The Contender. I'm not fond of The Apprentice, because it seems to reward dog-eat-dog behavior. But I won't touch The Contender with a ten-foot pole.

I want boxing to go away.

Yes, I liked Million Dollar Baby, but not because it was about boxing. Boxing continues to get the glamour treatment in film and on television, and any questions about the ethics of it as a sport seem to get stifled.

I don't understand how we can defend allowing people to train themselves to get in a ring and beat the snot out of each other and call it "sports." To me, it's just glorified beastliness. It reduces us to sheer animal instinct and divorces us from conscience and care. Sure, Muhammed Ali had some admirable turns in his career, and yes, his comeback triumph was a sight to behold and a masterful flourish of strategy. But still, when it comes down to it, the goal is to beat the other guy into submission. Where's the humanity in that?

So, I don't see the appeal in Ron Howard's upcoming Cinderella Man. I don't see the appeal of a nation finding inspiration in the sight of one of their own, a father, a husband, getting in the ring and smashing somebody else to prove that he won't let the bastards get him down.

And yet, I can already smell the Oscar nominations.Read more