I saw Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven today. I’ll write a review soon. But first, a few comments on how it fits into the trend of new “spiritual” films…
Better to call it Kingdom of Tolerance.
My initial reaction to the movie was negative. But the more I think abou it (this post has been revised), I’m glad Ridley Scott made the film. It gives us a context rich with provocation that will spur viewers to investigate all kinds of questions… and we should, focus on those questions. Whenever the film tries to lean toward an answer, it fumbles around and comes up empty, despite its good intentions. But forgive that initial, ticked-off rant. While I’m still dissatisfied, I’m seeing some of the film’s virtues more clearly now.
Kingdom of Heaven is a movie of and for our times, truly. It tries very hard to talk about a historical clash of Christians and Muslims without offending Christians and Muslims. It does this by portraying a wide variety of religious individuals, and by focusing on sins of arrogance and brutality instead of errors in dogma.
But it definitely has a message to people on both sides. And that message is this: Our highest priority should be getting along, even if that means revising our religious convictions, because if God expects something of us that gets in the way of cultural harmony, then he must not be God at all.
Sounds a bit contrary to Christ’s suggestion that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Further, it suggests that, no matter what religion will tell you, the one true path of righteousness is the path of good deeds… that holiness is found only in our own kindness, not in any commitment to obedience to God’s will.
In one memorable moment, the hero declares that he is going to do something his way, and if God has a problem with it, well, then he’s not God. Granted, the hero is following his conscience, but the film seems to make the conscience something that belongs to us, rather than a nudge from God to give up what we see as our way for something higher.
I shouldn’t be too upset about that — Ridley Scott is an agnostic and I’m sure the film wasn’t written or guided by Christians, so I’m glad the film turned out to be so thought-provoking. It’s not innocent, however, of taking cheap shots at Christianity. Yes, it does represent many of the ways Christianity has been abused, distorted, and misinterpreted, but its recommendation for a better way falls far short of the mark. In trying to come up with the One True Way, they hit all around the truth, and the empty space in the middle is the outline of Christ. Because, after all, no human being is capable of so much good that he can redeem the world and change human nature… no one except Christ.
If the film really grappled with the different claims of either religion, the audience might have to face the fact that the two belief systems aren’t reconcilable, that one makes claims that recommend certain behavior and consequences, and the other leads to entirely different behavior and consequences.
The film breaks it down like this:
- There are Christians who make war in Jesus’s name and get it all wrong. And there are Muslims who distort their own religion and make war as well.
- There are those who try to follow Christ, but when they don’t get their prayers answered, they despair and decide God has abandoned them. And there are Muslims who just want to get their way too.
- Christian leaders either become corrupt and wicked and devilish, or they become absolute buffoons who abandon their convictions at the first sign of challenge. (Muslims, on the other hand… well, we don’t get to know them enough to find any Muslim fools. They’re actually fairly admirable in their religious pursuits.)
- But the BEST Christians and Muslims are those who realize that true righteousness is all about deeds… being a good man. Being a good man means knowing that your enemy is really just like you, and when all is said and done, there are really no differences between the two belief systems worth arguing over.
Hey, I’m happy to see that the film is asking us to put up our swords and relate to each other differently. But the tendency to suggest that the BEST man is one who puts aside religion altogether for some generalized morality, that is insufficient to address most of the deep questions that lead us toward religion in the first place.
Thus, Orlando Bloom’s hero is the messiah of the story by recognizing that making war is bad, protecting people is good, and doing good deeds is a sacred path (minus all of that “God” stuff). The religion he arrives at in the end does not involve prayer or submission to a Higher Authority. It is entirely secular. It has little or nothing to do with Christ.
And of course it couldn’t. If it had anything to do with Christ, that would imply that there IS an authority. But no, we can’t have that, because that leads other religions to want to destroy us. We must first and foremost adhere to the religion of tolerance, and keep our other religious convictions to ourselves. It’s more important that we please each other than that we please God.
And what about the Muslims? The film paints them as people of honor and respect, for the most part. Oh, they have a few renegades who get what they have coming, but the movie carefully avoids showing us anything about Muslim culture that might make us question its foundational ideas. We are kept far far away from Muslim women, for example, so we don’t have to wonder about how they’re treated. (One Muslim woman appears, but she’s abused by one of the Knights Templar, not by her own people.)
Overall, Kingdom of Heaven is a well-made film, another fine example of Ridley Scott’s stellar craft. It has strong performances from its cast of great actors (Bloom isn’t bad either). I’d especially point out David Thewlis, for an admirably restrained turn… finally, directors are rediscovering this great actor. It’s great to see Jeremy Irons back in a role of authority and dignity (until the end, when his character abruptly disposes of that intelligence and strength). Eva Green is striking and surprisingly effective as the princess. (But of course, Bloom’s character quickly disposes of any ethical hesitation in sleeping with this married woman.) And Brendan Gleeson is once again a ferocious, commanding screen presence.
Best of all is Ghassan Massoud as a magesterial Muslim warlord named Saladin; he steals the show whenever he’s on screen.
Further, the film boasts Scott’s typically dazzling cinematography. But one of the surprising disappointments is that this established master of adventures and epics would exhibit such a lack of creativity in the battle scenes — Scott basically clones dozens and dozens of shots from The Two Towers and The Return of the King.
The greatest disappointment is that the storytellers seem to think the Muslim way and the Christian way are equally misguided, and that there is a secular path that trumps both of them. This makes it, ultimately, a hollow piece of cultural commentary.
I will obviously have to see this film again, because it seemed that several of us on the junket were impressed that the film was fairly balanced and complex and better than we had expected, etc., but now I am coming across more negative reactions, such as yours.
In any case, a few points, if I may:
But the BEST Christians and Muslims are those who realize that true righteousness is all about deeds… being a good man.
I honestly don’t have that big a problem with this. Consider Romans 2:
To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism.
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
Change “Jew” to “Christian” and “Gentile” to “Muslim” and I think this passage would still apply.
It seems to me that Protestants as a rule have tended to think that Paul’s admonitions against following the Jewish dietary laws etc. were somehow an admonition against emphasizing good deeds in general, but this is simply not so. Perhaps this is my Mennonite background speaking, but many Protestants, following in the tradition of Martin Luther, have generally been a little paranoid about emphasizing the importance of good deeds, lest they seem too Catholic; Luther himself pushed this paranoia to the point where he wanted to throw the Book of James out of the scriptures.
Being a good man means knowing that your enemy is really just like you, and when all is said and done, there are really no differences between the two belief systems worth arguing over.
“Arguing”? Or “fighting”? How many beliefs are worth killing for? And which ones? Again, maybe it’s my Mennonite background speaking, but I have a difficult time believing Jesus would have taken up arms to conquer Jerusalem, as the Crusaders did in 1099 (though defending it as Balian did in 1187 might have been another story, I don’t know — then again, the historical Balian had to threaten to kill all the Muslim hostages in Jerusalem before Saladin agreed to take the city peacefully). Indeed, this Christian inclination towards non-violence is one of the key differences between our belief system and the Muslim one. (Didn’t Malcolm X convert to Islam partly because it rejected the principle of turning the other cheek?)
The Christianity he arrives at in the end does not involve prayer or submission to a Higher Authority. And it has little or nothing to do with Christ.
Um, what makes you say that Orlando Bloom arrives at any sort of Christianity at all? Ridley Scott, at least, was pretty clear in the interview that Bloom’s character remains an “agnostic” right to the end.
We must first and foremost adhere to the religion of tolerance, and keep our other religious convictions to ourselves. It’s more important that we please each other than that we please God.
Oddly enough, Romans 2 is one of the few places in scripture that uses the word “tolerance”, too. 🙂 But I honestly wonder exactly what sort of God-pleasing activities you think Balian (and thus the film) is rejecting, here. Conquering and slaughtering the infidels, perhaps? It is a historical fact that the Knights Templar believed they were invincible against superior numbers because God was on their side; in this, they cited passages like Joshua 23:10. In the film, this is represented by the idea that they are invincible so long as they march behind the cross; I don’t know if that particular detail is historical, but I think the Knights would have been wiser to heed the lesson of I Samuel 4.
We are kept far far away from Muslim women, for example, so we don’t have to wonder about how they’re treated.
Well, we do see Saladin’s sister, who is apparently abused before she is murdered by one of the Templars. I’ll freely grant that that scene was a bit gratuitous.
“But the BEST Christians and Muslims are those who realize that true righteousness is all about deeds… being a good man.”
Funnily enough this is exactly what islamic/jewish theology says about what makes a man good enough to be saved. You take Christ out of the equation and what you are left with is salvation through good deeds which is essentially Jewish/Islamic thinking. This idea is being passed off by Hollywood and the MSM as an ideal for Christians too and its getting more overt by the day.
We must beware this kind of thinking and be sure that our children are well aware of it too. Jeffrey has a good point. I don’t think that he is saying that good works have no place in Christianity, few Christians would say such a thing. What he is pointing out is that in Christian theology, righteousness and good deeds are not unneccessary but they are powerless to save. Only faith in Christ saves. This is what makes us Christians and not something else and any idea to the contrary snuck into our heads through popular culture is going to erode that idea and instead implant the idea that what makes a man good is good deeds, tolerance ie the Christ-less line about religion that the other two monotheistic faiths advocate. It seems beyond obvious to us to say that without Christ, there are no Christians and no point to remaining Christians but to many vulnerable people out there it is not remotely so clear. We must strongly contradict the message of this movie.
Peter, I’ve revised my comments extensively after having a night to sleep on it…. Thanks for catching me in some errors. I hope my revision is clearer and more carefully thought out. Last night, I was still weary from the day and the film, and I used some truly awful language like “varying varieties” and the word “betraying” instead of “portraying.” I should NEVER blog about a movie until at least 12 hours after seeing it.
Yer welcome, Jeff — haven’t had time to check your revisions yet, as I must dash out and see the new Star Wars movie, and commenting thoughtfully on your thoughts takes time. 🙂
What he is pointing out is that in Christian theology, righteousness and good deeds are not unneccessary but they are powerless to save. Only faith in Christ saves.
Careful, there.
If you are saying that we are saved by having faith in Christ, then you are just promoting salvation by works under a different name, since “having faith” would be the “work” in question.
If, however, you are simply saying that it is only Christ who saves, then I have no problem with that. Indeed, I heartily affirm that. My point is that, as per Romans 2 and other passages (like that “sheep and goats” passage in Matthew), there is no reason to believe that Christ saves only Christians, or for that matter that Christ saves all Christians. And the criterion by which we will apparently be judged certainly does seem to involve our deeds, somehow.
Peter and Jeffrey, you have once again left my spinning. You have brought up some great questions based on several pertinent passages, but in a discussion of Faith, Works, and Salvation I believe it is a good idea to start with the foundational passage and then understand other passages in light of its clear teaching. In this case it would be Ephesians 2:8-10. Most of my fellow church members would say Eph 2:8-9 and would thus lose the entire import of the passage. We are Saved by Grace exclusively through Faith exclusively and though works has no part in Salvation, it is for works that we are saved. Those that Christ Jesus prepared for us beforehand. I think a solid understanding of this clears up whether or not you can insert Christian and Muslim for Jew and Gentile since the only way to insert them into Romans would be if they were both Christians which I define as those who are saved according to Ephesians 2:8-9 and not simply by referring to themselves as Christian as Jesus made clear when he said not everyone who calls himself my disciple will see the Kingdom of God.
“…there is no reason to believe that Christ saves only Christians, or for that matter that Christ saves all Christians. And the criterion by which we will apparently be judged certainly does seem to involve our deeds, somehow.”
So, are you saying that if someone rejects Christ but is basically a good person they might go to Heaven? Or that if I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior that there’s a possibility that I wil go to Hell if my good works somehow don’t measure up? I refuse to believe that this could happen.
The thing is, I don’t think anyone in London cares. I’ve read more than one story in which Londonites said it wasn’t a big deal to them to have such a thing portrayed in a film in the aftermath of the recent bombings. But I don’t see most moviegoers in the U.S. ever getting behind a movie portraying a terrorist as a hero. Seems we have a lot more trouble seperating fact from fantasy in the states.
Moore is probably right, though. Hollywood has already butchered two of his previous works (From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). It would have been interesting to see Darren Aronofsky’s interpretation of Watchmen. But that isn’t happening, and I can’t see too many others doing justice to his stuff.
Let’s just hope Hollywood never tries doing justice by any of Moore’s warped comic book porn like Lost Girls. And though I’m a little fascinated with his electing to become a male witch on his 40th birthday (according to him this was an option preferred over going the conventional route and having a midlife crisis), I’m pretty sure that–yes–it will be quite a while before Hollywood (or even some group of sane people) really gets a firm grip on the slippery imaginings of Alan Moore. After all, he spends a fair amount of his time taking strange drugs and conversing with entities like “the Enochian Angel of the 7th Aethyr, the demon-regent Asmodeus, and the Roman snake deity Glycon” (that last bit cribbed from my amateur review of his wonderfully bizarre CD “The Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels“).
“electing to become a male witch on his 40th birthday”
Just maybe, that WAS his mid-life crisis…