Scott Derrickson has another project, already!
Coming Soon reports that Scott Derrickson, who's working on a little flick called Paradise Lost, is also co-writing and directing a film about the story that prompted a documentary titled... would you believe?... Paradise Lost. His dramatization will be titled Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three.
...the drama centers on an infamous Arkansas murder case that ended with the conviction of three teens based largely on their alleged fascination with the occult.
Three children were savagely murdered in 1993. Weeks later, police announced the arrest of three teens accused of committing the murders as part of a satanic cult ritual.
And from the Variety article:
Despite an outcry for a retrial and two HBO documentaries about the case that suggest plausible suspects were overlooked for political reasons, the three have remained in jail for more than a decade, including one who's on death row.
Genre films like "Amityville Horror" and Derrickson and Boardman's "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" regularly tie the phrase "based on a true story" to propel fictional horror storylines. The duo said "Devil's Knot" will stick to the facts.
"There is already a dark tone to the material, but we are absolutely committed to only telling the truth, and not exaggerating to entertain," Derrickson said. ... "We all understand the gravity, the high stakes of the situation, and the story is not over."
Specials: Swinton's "State of Cinema" speech. Director dumps Pullman project.
The White Witch speaks!
Wow, what a letter. Take the time to read the whole thing. It'll make your head spin.
And speaking of dangerous fantasy-land personalities...
Once again, a director has departed the film production of His Dark Materials. Shopgirl director Anand Tucker has abandoned ship, and now, round and round we go, the controls are back in the hands of Chris Weitz, who left the project once before.
Why Fuss About "The Da Vinci Code"? It's just fiction!
Well, no, not according to the author...
Via Michael Whitecraft:
“I wanted to write a book that while it entertained at the same time, you close that last page and go ‘Wow, do you know how much I just learned? That’s fascinating.’ That is really what I set out to do.” - Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code, from an interview in Chronicle
Derrickson likes Barlowe's vision for "Paradise Lost"
This is the first time I've ever linked to Fangoria, but they've got Scott Derrickson talking about the designer he's tapping for his big screen version of Paradise Lost... Wayne Barlowe.
My favorite Bruce Springsteen album
I've never been a big Springsteen fan. I enjoyed The Rising for a while, and a few tracks from Devils and Dust. His stuff in the 80s and 90s didn't do a whole lot for me.
But Josh Hurst and the others who recommended the new Springsteen album of songs by Pete Seeger were right: This is the most joyous, foot-stompin' good time I've heard in years.
When I make my annual mix-disc of favorites from the year, it's going to be loaded with tracks from this.
A book cover design... darkly!
Thanks to the good folks at Regal Books for a great design!
Lies and Slander at Image Journal!
Somehow I've managed to offend someone over at Image, because they've posted my mug shot there and have included all manner of lies and slander about me!Read more
The New Yorker's Anthony Lane on Nick Cave's "The Proposition"
... “The Proposition,” in its morality as well as in its geography, is not just basic but Biblical. Directed by John Hillcoat, it shows humanity striving for a New Testament way of life with a Cain-and-Abel drama on the doorstep.
Hiatus!! (or Through a Book Project Darkly)
For the first time in my five-plus years writing the weekly Film Forum for Christianity Today Movies, I'm going on hiatus.
The lovely and talented JOSH HURST will be piloting the craft while I'm gone, and I'm sure I'll be humbled by his zeal and competence.
I'll return to that "desk" in June.
Right now, every spare moment is focused on my book about faith and film: Through a Screen Darkly.Read more
And now... Stephen Colbert roasts the Prez... and wow, he turns it up.
Stephen Colbert roasts... and roasts... and slow-roasts the President. That's gutsy comedy.
UPDATE: Reactions, responses.
(link via Alan at Arts and Faith)