Alfonso Cuarón: "Narrative is the Poison of Cinema"

Children of Men drops you smack dab in the middle of an apocalypse. You'd better be ready.

Alfonso Cuarón isn't interested in explaining everything to the audience. He wants us to struggle to get our bearings. The work of understanding is what makes art an experience rather than just an assault or a "message."Read more

Alfonso Cuarón: "Narrative is the Poison of Cinema"

Children of Men drops you smack dab in the middle of an apocalypse. You'd better be ready.

Alfonso Cuarón isn't interested in explaining everything to the audience. He wants us to struggle to get our bearings. The work of understanding is what makes art an experience rather than just an assault or a "message."Read more

Slant Critics: Two Intriguing Year's-Best Lists.

I'm listening to the critics at Slant Magazine this year.

Why? Well, because both of them picked The New World as the best film of 2005, having seen only a hastily fashioned awards-consideration version.

Looking at their picks for this year, I'm already agreeing with several of their choices. And some of them I haven't seen yet, but I'll have to get out to track them down now.Read more

Morefield Says, Shut Up and Go See the Chicks!

I've just posted Ken Morefield's review of Shut Up and Sing, the new documentary about the Dixie Chicks and the trouble they fell into when one of them said something critical about the President. After musing about the effects of Natalie's challenging lyrics, he ends up considering the effects... or lack of them... caused by a certain television personality.Read more

Congratulations to The Beauty!!

One of my dearest, closest friends, Todd Fadel, who I've known since we were... oh... two?... is in a band called The Beauty. (The other fellow in the band is Matt Zimmerman.)

They're from Portland.

I've been in an improv comedy band with Todd for about 15 years now... The Garbage Chute Flyboys... a little part of my life I never really discuss here.

Anyway, The Beauty is not a comedy band. They rock. Specifically, they rock Portland, Oregon. They also rock MySpace.

And The Beauty has just been named as one of the few finalists in Rolling Stone's Best Bands on MySpace!

Congratulations to Todd, and to The Beauty. And you should all go listen to their song and post comments on it. Good comments will go a long way to supporting them in this contest.

"Apocalypto" - Catholic? Chattaway says "No way!"

You didn't think I'd go another day without posting something about Apocalypto... a movie I still haven't seen... did you?Read more

A New Batch of Responses at CT Feedback

NOW, with even more provocative responses from readers...

Here's one of the letters contributed by readers after CT's coverage of The Nativity Story, and there are more where this came from:

I am shocked that the Vatican approved The Nativity Story. The clergy that run the Catholic church today have gone insane. The scene where Mary goes into labor pains and Joseph delivering baby Jesus is contrary to the special dignity and power God has bestowed upon her. We true Catholics believe Mary is ever virgin, before, during and after Jesus's birth. So how can we believe the labor pains and Joseph pulling the baby out from her and still believe she gave birth as a virgin? This movie is taking away the dignity of our Lady by making her like a common human being. We believe Jesus was conceived without human intervention entering and developing in her womb, but people have a hard time believing he came out the same way. I believe true Catholics should not go see this slanderous movie. Many Catholics today are spiritually blinded.

- A concerned Catholic

I look forward to your thoughts, but please, don't turn this into a place for anti-Catholic rants, or anything of that nature.

And now, for some more highlights from the latest letters:

What right do you have to call yourselves "Christians" when you are no different than the world? It is disgraceful and blasphemous to give filthy and immoral films a "thumbs up." I'm talking about movies with drunkenness, drugs, violence, nudity and cursing, especially taking our dear Lord's name in vain. Would you sit with Jesus and watch a film like this? I know Jesus wouldn't sit with you and watch a film like this. But if all of that garbage doesn't bother you and you so desire to fill your mind with smut, then by all means go ahead and do so. I do not believe that you really have Christ living in your heart, or you would not choose to defend things of this world over what our dear Lord and Savior would want us to do.

- - - - - - - - - -

I was surprised by your 2½-star review of Apocalypto. First, to compare it to The Passion of The Christ is unfair and irresponsible. There is only one story of Jesus Christ, which transcends all others, and although it has been interpreted in many ways, Gibson's portrayal will be considered among the best ever. To try and find these motifs of values in a pagan culture, and then say, "Well, it doesn't add up," represents a bias that is only matched by preset fundamentalism, or critics on the left with their preset positions as well. As a person who loves The Passion (I saw it nine times in the theaters and I don't know how many times on DVD), Apocalypto only reaffirms that Mel Gibson is a great storyteller.

And, regarding The Nativity Story:

A young, unmarried pregnant actress playing Mary was enough to turn me off this movie.
- Jim Foulkes

"Apocalypto": A Catholic Masterpiece?

Apocalypto is dividing up my friends, colleagues, and my favorite critics more than any movie I can remember since... well... The Passion of the Christ.Read more

Specials: Gondry's astonishing feet; the great Bob Newhart lives

Is this two-minute video the greatest feet of Michel "Eternal Sunshine" Gondry's career?
You decide!! (And no, that wasn't a typo in my headline.)

The great Bob Newhart lives on
I depend on Mark Shea's blog for insight on many things. But I also depend on him to alert me to profound moments in contemporary philosophy... like this rare glimpse of the great Bob Newhart:

Shea says:

Most People Don’t Think of Bob Newhart as a Catholic Theologian

But you could hardly ask for a more insightful commentary on Romans 7, the insufficiency of the law to save us from the bondage of original sin, and the weakness of stoic philosophy than this...


Awards! Awards! Awards! (Updated Tues. 12/12/06)

The Boston Film Critics pick The Departed. (Runner-up: United 93)

My favorite Boston picks:
Best Actress - Helen Mirren, The Queen (Runner-up: Judi Dench, Notes on a Scandal)
Best Supporting Actor - Mark Wahlberg, The Departed
Best Supporting Actress - Shareeka Epps, Half Nelson
Best Foreign Language Film- Pan's Labyrinth

Washington DC Area Film Critics pick United 93.

My favorite DC picks:
Best Film - United 93
Best Actress - Helen Mirren, The Queen
Best Foreign Film Pan's Labrynth

The New York Film Critics Online pick The Queen.

My favorite NY Online picks:
Best Actress - HELEN MIRREN, The Queen
Foreign Language Picture - PAN'S LABYRINTH
Humanitarian Award - DEEPA MEHTA (Water) for taking risks to create films about
the difficulties of social change in India especially as it affects

And get this... their "top ten" list includes Inland Empire AND The Fountain. Wow.

The Los Angeles Film Critics pick Letters from Iwo Jima.

My favorite LA picks:
Director: Paul Greengrass, "United 93"
Actor: Sacha Baron Cohen, "Borat" (he tied with Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland", but it's great to see an improv comedian get the nod)
Actress: Helen Mirren, "The Queen"
Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki, "Children of Men" (Yes, yes!!!)
Production design: Eugenio Caballero, "Pan's Labyrinth" (Amen!)

Sight and Sound celebrates this list of ten:
1 Hidden (Cache) (Michael Haneke)
2 Volver (Pedro Almodóvar)
3-6 (tie) The Departed (Martin Scorsese), The Queen (Stephen Frears), Red Road (Andrea Arnold), The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (Tommy Lee Jones)
7-10 (tie) Climates (Nuri Bilge Ceylan), The New World (Terrence Malick), United 93 (Paul Greengrass), Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro)

(Aha, my "New World complex" is kicking in: Hooray! somebody acknowledged The New World as a great film of 2006!)

New York Magazine has a colorful series of reflections on the year, in which they call The Queen the "year's best movie."

And then there's the AFI, with a strange collection...

Have you heard of The Alliance of Women Journalists? Well here they are... and they give out awards. Lots of them!

The Broadcast Film Critics have turned in their nominations.

The New York Film Critics have picked United 93.