Farewell to Paul Scofield


The great Paul Scofield, one of my favorite actors, has died.

Here's a glimpse of his Oscar-winning turn in A Man for All Seasons:

Watch for Scofield opposite Mel Gibson in Zefferlli's version of Hamlet, which I've always liked:

Tributes are being collected at GreenCine Daily.

The End is (in a Theater) Near (You)

Steven D. Greydanus is quoted in a new Wall Street Journal article on the current surge of apocalyptic movies.

The article begins like this:

On a recent Saturday night, I went to the movies. Walking past the theater showing "I Am Legend" (plague kills most of humanity), I opted to watch "Cloverfield" (inexplicably angry alien destroys Manhattan) instead. After sitting through back-to-back previews for "Hellboy II: The Golden Army" (ancient truce between Hell and Earth is revoked, resulting in mass destruction) and "Doomsday" (lethal virus ravages England, a disease-ridden cinematic cousin to "28 Days Later" and "Children of Men"), I found myself disturbed. The End of Days suddenly seemed imminent. Should I cancel my post-movie dinner reservation? What's with all this apocalyptic entertainment, I wondered, and what does it say about those of us who are filling the theater seats?

Farewell to Arthur C. Clarke and Anthony Minghella

Earlier today, I posted a link to a thought-provoking perspective on 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick's film based on an Arthur C. Clarke story.

I have just learned that Clarke passed away today "from breathing problems." He was 90. There aren't many sci-fi visionaries like Clarke... and we need more.

2001: A Space Odyssey was the film that first introduced me to the idea of cinema as poetry. It is still one of my favorite movies. Seeing a restoration of the work in Seattle's Cinerama theater a few years back was one of the most extraordinary big-screen experiences of my life.

Earlier today, I learned of the death of filmmaker Anthony Minghella. I greatly dislike the film that catapulted him to a new level of fame - The English Patient - but I admired The Talented Mr. Ripley very much, and liked Cold Mountain more than most critics I know. In interviews he seemed an engaging fellow with a lot of insight into artmaking. I haven't seen his latest, Breaking and Entering, but as a big fan of Juliette Binoche I am duty-bound to see it eventually. I would have liked to see many more films from this talented, unpredictable artist.

"The Bonofication of Christianity"

Don't miss this podcast of Dr. Jeff Keuss and Nigel Goodwin as they discuss Bono and his influence on Christian culture.Read more

C.S. Lewis on "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Here's Michael Leary with a few thoughts on how C.S. Lewis helps us understand 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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Sam Phillips... at SoulFest??

Sam Phillips is scheduled to take the same stage as Third Day and Rebecca St. James at the Christian music brouhaha Soulfest 2008.

And in other news, hell just froze over.Read more

What's Your Favorite Last Line of a Novel?

Here's American Book Review with the 100 Best Last Last Lines from Novels.

My personal favorite? "Frodo was alive but taken by the enemy." That line still sends chills down my spine when I read it. How could you not go on to read The Return of the King after reading that final note in The Two Towers?

In fact, that line was ringing in my mind as I wrote a scene near the conclusion of Cyndere's Midnight, as a particular character's life suddenly takes an alarming new direction...Read more

"Funny Games," "The Passion of the Christ," and Dirty Harry

I should post this as a follow-up to my previous question: "Does anybody want to defend Michael Haneke's Funny Games?"

Thanks to Chattaway for finding this article by Gabriel McKee at Religion Dispatches: Read more

Anyone want to defend "Funny Games"?


Michael Haneke's Code Unknown is among my all-time top ten favorite films. Cache and Time of the Wolf are favorites also. But I can't bring myself to go see Funny Games when it's getting reviews like these.

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Eddie Izzard in NYT

My favorite comedian is featured today in The New York Times. Best article about him I've seen since he was interviewed by Bono for The Independent.Read more