A Message from Aaron Strumpel About His Amazing Album


Here are a few words from Aaron Strumpel, the guy responsible for Elephants, my favorite record of '09 so far...Read more


Been called a snob lately? Roger Ebert has. Read more


Been called a snob lately? Roger Ebert has. Read more

Time for a Comments Policy Reminder

As I caught up with comments here at the blog recently, I realized that some folks haven't noticed the Comments Policy posted in the right sidebar on the Journal page.

So, bear with me. Here it is just as a reminder:Read more

Good news from Pixar

Box office is no indication of quality, but it's a joy to see great work that achieves success.

Lee Unkrich at Pixar is on Twitter, and he just posted this:Read more

A Few Thoughts on the Loss of Jackson and Fawcett

Yesterday, I felt a strange urge to give calls of concern to the other giants of my childhood.
Read more

February 16, 2010: Raven's Ladder

Pre-order Raven's Ladder here.

And see the new cover by artist Kristopher Orr and Mike Heath here...Read more

With email like this, who needs reviews?

An email from my dear friend Bryan Rust (CAUTION: "Mild" spoilers.) :Read more