Brett McCracken Interviews the Director of "The Road"

Christianity Today has posted Brett McCracken's interview with John Hillcoat about directing The Road. Here's an interesting excerpt:Read more

"The Road": A Meaningful Nightmare

My review of John Hillcoat's film The Road is still in progress, but I've written an article about the story, how people respond to it... and how such dark, troubling visions like this one can be meaningful and even—dare I say it?—redemptive.

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Decent Films on "New Moon"

I don't plan to spend any pennies on The Twilight Saga: New Moon after the living nightmare that was the sneak-preview screening of Twilight.

So I refer you to the critic I trust most...Read more

Five "Auralia's Colors" Confessions: The Concert of Stitching

The adventure continues...

Top 5 Top 5 Confessions about Auralia's Colors, Chapter 2 - The Concert of StitchingRead more

On "Twilight," "New Moon," and "the Hallmark of Immaturity"

"I think the ears are tastiest."

"Me, I prefer the chin."

"I'm a forearm man, myself. And things just taste better when the girl's has helpless as this one."

Yes, like it or not, New Moon is here. And last night's midnight opening show set some kind of all-time box-office record for such arrivals. Basically, ticket-buyers told Hollywood: WE WANT MORE OF THIS. And so, that is what moviegoers will receive. Except what's coming will be even worse because it will be even more derivative. (If somebody wants to pick up a worthwhile vampire story, get your hands on the rights to Robin McKinley's Sunshine, which is actually worth reading.)

So, how's the movie?

I turn to the discerning Steven D. Greydanus:
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Five "Auralia's Colors" Confessions: Old Thieves Make a Discovery

Ladies and gentlemen, here are...

The Top 5 Confessions about Auralia's Colors, Chapter 1: "Old Thieves Make a Discovery." Read more

Which of your children is your favorite?

Okay, no, I'm not really asking you to name your favorite child. But now you know something of how I felt when asked to name my favorite from among my characters.Read more

Auralia Thread Readers: Want to Be on My Next Video Blog?

Last time on the video blog, my special guests were singer/songwriter Sam Phillips and poet Luci Shaw.

Next time, it might be you.

Let me explain.Read more

Thanks for the Comments on "Where the Wild Things Are"

After reading so many disparaging reviews of Where the Wild Things Are, I began to feel that I'd seen a different movie, for it moved and inspired me powerfully.Read more

Climbing "Raven's Ladder"

My birthday was a month ago, but a bunch of gifts have arrived in November... thoughtful comments from a few readers who have read Raven's Ladder. And I'm grateful.

Here's what they're saying...Read more