Indy’s standing-o

Indiana Jones IV got a standing ovation at Cannes. And Ebert thinks it was genuine.

What did C.S. Lewis have to say about mysticism?

Listen to this intriguing podcast at The Kindlings Muse…

William Butler Yeats once said, “The mystical life is the center of all that I do and all that I think and all that I write. . .” This same thing could not be said of CS Lewis, whose faith was grounded in reason. In this episode of The Kindlings Muse @ the CS Lewis Center we explore the role of the mystical in the life and thought of CS Lewis. We originate from the campus of Seattle Pacific University as host Dick Staub interviews Rev. Earl Palmer, senior pastor of University Presbyterian Church and long time explorer of CS Lewis, Kim Gilnett leader of the team that restored Lewis home, the Kilns through the CS Lewis Foundation and Dr. Mike MacDonald professor of European studies, and coeditor of CS Lewis and GK Chesterton’s The Riddle of Joy.


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