Image‘s Gregory Wolfe, with a little help from Annie Dillard, starts Monday morning off right, asking, “Is the end near?”
I feel a responsibility to alert you whenever my favorite Annie Dillard book, For the Time Being, is quoted online.
::clunk:: the sound of a two-by-four smacking me between the eyes in the form of Annie Dilliard’s words-ones that I need to take to heart.
I subscribe to the Image blog, but haven’t read it for several days, so thanks for pointing this particular post out.
I think.
Today a guy on the local talk radio station was commenting on recent news of tornadoes, earthquakes, and cyclones. He said that as soon as he heard of a plague of locusts, he would be heading for church.
I think middle-aged and older people are becoming more generally pessimistic than they have been in the recent past. They’ve known better times.