…according to NarniaWeb, anyway.
Looks like Prince Caspian got the big phone call today, and rumor has it that you could hear cheers all over Narnia.
Aslan was found rolling in his royal catnip garden and, when asked for a comment, he said something about how he hopes to be much more awe-inspiring in the next film. (Someone had better tell him him to re-read the story sometime soon, so his expectations aren’t raised too high.)
The White Witch was also excited, but when she was informed that she’s not a player in the book, she laughed and said, “Didn’t you notice? I didn’t pay any attention to the source material in the first Narnia movie. Why should I pay attention this time?”
That had me rolling…
what? she’s not in ‘prince caspian’?
how could this be? the white witch IS narnia. or have the producers not heard?
OK, Jeffrey, now I’m really, really jealous! The LOTR interviews gave me little twinges of envy, but now you’ve really done it. Although, I would probably have so many questions for the man I probably would be too tongue-tied for one to even come out.
But I am curious as to his take on heaven and hell. Does he believe in hell, or does he have some sort of universalist view that all will be reconciled to God at some point in eternity. Just curious as to what his take is on the subject.
I would ask who, if he learned he was dying, would he want to direct a film about his last days ala Lightning Above Water.