Ladies and gentlemen… it’s Narnia Day at Looking Closer!

My review of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

My interview with Micheal Flaherty, president of Walden Media!

The debut of my new monthly column, Response OnScreen!


Rev. Earl Palmer on the importance of Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

My friend, colleague, and fellow novelist Clint Kelly on C.S. Lewis and the letters he still receives from children! And don’t miss “What if I love Aslan more than Jesus?

A photo tour of C.S. Lewis’s home, led by my friend Kim Gilnett! Plus, a story on its restoration!

Lots more in the new issue of Response!

And finally…

Forgive me for being absent for a while there, but I’ve been awfully sick. I think I finally crashed and burned after getting too busy with Narnia and another interesting development…

THROUGH A SCREEN DARKLY my first book about searching for truth, beauty, and meaning at the movies. A publisher has stepped forward, and we hope to get the book out in late 2006! Stay tuned… much more to come.


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