Woo hoo!!! I’ve just been informed that I have the enormous privilege of covering The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for Christianity Today.
And since I’m enormously skeptical about the whole affair, rather than a blindly loyal “Narniac” who’s already calling the film a “classic” before seeing it, I hope I will give it a fair shake for all of you.
The season of the witch can’t come soon enough….
Whatever dude. Not like I wanted to see that movie anyway.
Why are you skeptical? What we have seen and heard from the team that is actually making the movie has been great. Is it the way that Disney seems to be promoting the film?
Actually I agree with him about going “narniac”. Remember the movie Lawn Mower Man, which was supposed to be based off of the Stephen King story, but had nothing to do with the story at all? They did the same thing with Jurassic Park 2. Great novel, but the movie had almost nothing to do with the book.
I think the question is…
How do you take a story with such amazingly deep spirtitual depth, and make that palatable to a non-spiritual world. Do you axe the spirituality and alienate those believers who would be a strong viewer base? Do you leave the spiritual aspects in and risk cutting your viewership because the Christian under-pinnings will make the unbeliever uncomfortable?
My guess is that we will see the the second path, but could be pleasantly surprised.
Since this is Disney I am afraid they’ll gut the story to appeal to hte lowest demonominator. I’ll wait until I see some reviews befoere I go.