Harrison Ford is back in character!

We held our breath. The Lucasfilm logo came up. We cheered. Familiar music. Familiar sights. And then...

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How to Get “Let It Go” Out of Your Head: The Hadestown Cure

I've spelled out some reasons why I think "Let It Go" caught on, and some reasons why we should question its widespread popularity. I've also recommended an alternative.

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Looking Elsewhere: MFA Adventures, April Foolishness, and More

From April Fool's antics to coming attractions, this installment of "Looking Elsewhere" is loaded with goodness.

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Up on my sweet-smelling soapbox

Soap A makes your hands smell fruity and fresh. Soap B has no scent at all. Which one makes your hands cleaner? And what does this have to do with movies?

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Song of the Sea (2014): A Conversation With Animator and Author Ken Priebe

The Secret of Kells is gorgeous, dramatic, funny, moving, alive with mystery, and bursting with details that continue to emerge viewing after viewing. It's no surprise that it took so many years for Tomm Moore and his team to come up with another feature-length film: Song of the Sea.

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Foxcatcher (2014)

In which three film enthusiasts — all named Jeff — discuss and debate Foxcatcher.

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An Hour of Wisdom and Storytelling with Joe Henry

Joe Henry, who recorded my favorite record of 2014 (Invisible Hour), was the guest on the latest installment of the excellent podcast "On Being," with Krista Tippett.

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Memento or Vertigo? What’s Your Favorite Film About Memory?

The long-running community of friends and colleagues called Arts and Faith has published their latest list of essential films: The Top 25 Films on Memory.

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Oscars 2015: Listen to My Discussion and Debate with Dr. Jeff Keuss, Novelist Jennie Spohr, and Producer Anna Miller

Finally... an Oscar year that brings some much needed focus to a subject sorely overlooked at the movies — great men with big dreams!

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Seek Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.

Bear with me. This isn't a movie review or a music review. This is just something that's on my mind today. I'll explain why, but first I have to write down the heavy stuff.

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The Lone Bellow, U2, Bob Dylan, and Aaron Strumpel – or, How I Learned to Stop Scowling and Love Liturgy

I may have sensed, on some level, the dissonance between such prejudice and Jesus’ own teachings. But if I did, I suppressed it. That sense of superiority, of being on the right team, of having Jesus’ favor: they felt too good to give up. One of the easiest targets on my denominational dartboard was liturgy.

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Looking Closer at Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups

Terrence Malick's Knight of Cups screened at Berlinale today. Here come the reviews...

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As It Is In Heaven (2014)

Even more evidence that films about faith are alive and well in contemporary cinema (and that there is no need for a preachy "Christian movie industry"): As It Is In Heaven is an intelligent, riveting thriller that shows wisdom on the subject of cults and their appeal.

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Discover The Chrysostom Society: Meet Editor and Book Enthusiast John Wilson

In the early days, they plotted how to kill each other.

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What Breakup Record Cuts Your Heart Open? Readers Respond!

I posted a question on Facebook and elsewhere: What breakup songs or breakup records mean the most to you? What music do you find entangled in your own hurtful experiences of separation? The floodgates burst open.

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Listening Closer: Bjork’s “Stonemilker”

Sharing your heart with someone who in turn takes sledgehammer to it understandably leaves an impression.

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Looking Elsewhere: January 24, 2015

I'll conclude with a few words about the American Sniper hubbub. But first, here are some of the things that caught my attention on the Wild Wild Web in the last couple of weeks...

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Listening Closer to Joe Henry’s “Sparrow,” The Lone Bellow, and Jessica Pratt

The first song of Joe Henry’s album Invisible Hour — my favorite record of 2014 — is the subject of the second installment in my new series called "Listening Closer." Plus: Two new albums well worth your time and attention.

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“Our nation was born in genocide…”

He's the great orator. Let's make a space for him to go on speaking. If you read great words from this great man today, feel free to share them in the Comments here.

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Why We Need “Selma”

We need this movie. We need it for this reason: Wherever Martin Luther King Jr. carried his dream, racists and scoffers assembled. Americans have made some admirable progress since then. But is it over? Was the dream realized? When I praise this movie that was made in celebration of King's dream — guess what happens. The taunters and scoffers assemble.

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

This week, I begin a new year-long adventure: "Listening Closer." I will write about one song every week, opening it up to consider what's inside, where it came from, what it might mean, and why it has caught my attention and stayed on my mind.

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The “Most Christian” Movie of the Year?

In Selma — and I'm pretty sure about this — there is more gospel quoted, more gospel celebrated, more gospel embraced and openly lived out than in any so-called "Christian movie" released in 2014. (Except the one that was, you know, a Jesus movie.)

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Looking Closer with Jeffrey Overstreet

(now the ears of my ears awake andnow the eyes of my eyes are opened)

– e. e. cummings, “i thank You God for most this amazing”