Mark Johnson

Passionate web designer and art lover.

Showing Up: a movie that will make artists feel seen

Kelly Reichardt's latest depicts the day-to-day challenges of artmaking with such truthfulness that artists may find it almost too familiar.

1 Comment9 Minutes

A scorecard for Star Wars: Visions — Season 2

A quick review of my personal Star Wars history and notes on this new animated series, which has a few delightful surprises... and a whole lot of storytelling that might've been ChatGPT'd.

0 Comments23 Minutes

Was Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Christopher Nolan seems to be remaking Steven Spielberg's "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in this profound meditation on America's self-righteous obsession with coercive violence and apocalyptic firepower.

0 Comments6 Minutes