An American who deserves a parade

A trailer for a movie about a man who made America great by being a humble, loving, welcoming American.

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Em-Bark on a new Wes Anderson adventure

Who let the dogs out? Looks like Wes Anderson did.

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The trailer we’ve been waiting for

For more than ten years, I've been writing about my anticipation for this, Martin Scorsese's adaptation of one of my favorite novels.

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Trailermania: Anomalisa, The Wonders, & more

Let's look at some new trailers and see if we like the smell of what these studios have cooking. Post your reactions, or your new favorite trailers, in the Comments.

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Harrison Ford is back in character!

We held our breath. The Lucasfilm logo came up. We cheered. Familiar music. Familiar sights. And then...

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