Weekender: Fourth Weekend in January — Dark on Power of the Dog; Wilford on Licorice Pizza

After a few "Weekenders" away, here are a few highlights from the last few weeks.

0 Comments11 Minutes

God’s Not Dead (2014): A Looking Closer Film Forum

Now, two of the finest film critics in Christian media agree: There's something quite contrary to the spirit of the Gospel at the heart of the smash-hit "Christian Movie" God's Not Dead.

7 Comments7 Minutes

Is It Dangerous? Biblical? Gnostic? Awesome? — Here’s All The Noah That’s Fit to Print

Let's focus on the reviews of Noah that demonstrate an actual love for movies, an interest in our neighbor Darren Aronofsky, and a willingness to engage his ideas.

26 Comments8 Minutes

Does the Noah Screenplay Sink or Float? Chattaway and Godawa Disagree.

I've been looking forward to seeing Noah. But now, for the first time, I can say I'm excited about the day when we are drawn, two by two (or otherwise), to theaters to see this one for ourselves.

3 Comments2 Minutes