Q&O: What I’d Change in My Memoir. My Favorite Moviegoing Companion. Top Albums of 2014 So Far. Why You Rarely See Me Smile. More “Noah” Bashing. And More!

Who do you take to the movies? Why are you such a snob? What's your favorite album of 2014 so far? Why do you rarely smile in pictures? Questions are coming in, so... time for another Q & O = Question and Overstreet!

4 Comments24 Minutes

Noah (2014): Part Two of a Two-Part Commentary

In which two very different moviegoers wrestle with Noah, and with some of the questions that the movie asks.

22 Comments30 Minutes

Noah (2014): Part One of A Two-Part Commentary

Darren Aronofsky made an epic Old Testament movie in which he wrestled with some of humankind's most difficult questions. And Christians responded with admirable attention, grace, intelligence, and humility. Right? No? That didn't happen?

7 Comments14 Minutes

Is It Dangerous? Biblical? Gnostic? Awesome? — Here’s All The Noah That’s Fit to Print

Let's focus on the reviews of Noah that demonstrate an actual love for movies, an interest in our neighbor Darren Aronofsky, and a willingness to engage his ideas.

26 Comments8 Minutes

Does the Noah Screenplay Sink or Float? Chattaway and Godawa Disagree.

I've been looking forward to seeing Noah. But now, for the first time, I can say I'm excited about the day when we are drawn, two by two (or otherwise), to theaters to see this one for ourselves.

3 Comments2 Minutes

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah and the Pending Deluge of Bible-Based Movies

I suspect this means that we'll see Aronofsky return to lavish scenes of digitally animated spectacle, something we haven't seen him do since The Fountain. But will the movie be a thought-provoking exploration of the Noah story that shows respect to its source material?

7 Comments13 Minutes