Here Comes Good Letters Post #88. What Movie Should I Choose?

I'm pondering six films as I decide which I'll write about for my next post at Good Letters. I've heard from several people, and Fellini's 8 1/2 seems to be the popular choice. What do you think? Peruse the list here...

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MirrorMask (2005): Or, “Neil Gaiman’s Girls, Part Two”

MirrorMask, the Jim Henson Company's most wildly imaginative post-Henson release, remains fairly obscure. And that's a shame, because it is a big-screen spectacle par excellence.

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“All of It was Music”—Pete Horner’s World of Sound, Part 2

Here is Part Two of my interview with Pete Horner. (Don't read it without first reading Part One.)

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“All of It Was Music”—Pete Horner’s World of Sound, Part 1

Congratulations to Pete Horner, who is here with me at The Glen Workshop this week in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Pete has been nominated for two Emmys for his work on HBO's new movie Hemingway and Gellhorn. To celebrate, I'm reposting my interview with Pete...

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Men, Step Aside.

I would much prefer a film about women in conversation than a film about men battering each other with fists and swords. That may not sit well with some of my moviegoing friends, or with some pastors for that matter. But it’s true. ... I’m not saying women are holier than men, but movies about women are less likely to be about trying to fix things by force, less likely to be about battles, more likely to be about the sacredness of relationships and conversations and matters of the heart.

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The Sound of Silence

This week at Good Letters, Tony Woodlief reflects on the silence of those who witnessed the crimes of Jerry Sandusky.

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Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Of Gods and Men made Steven Greydanus say that he felt like he had become a critic in order to be prepared to review that movie. I've only felt that way about a few films. Moonrise Kingdom is one of them. Here is my review.

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