Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2015 — Part Two
January 1, 2016
Sufjan Stevens, Kendrick Lamar, Torres, Courtney Barnett... and many, many more make up my Favorite Recordings of 2015 countdown. Listen to your favorites and make some new discoveries.
0 Comments42 Minutes
Join me for a talk about 2015’s best records so far
April 17, 2015
What's your favorite record of 2015 so far? Let me know, and I'll try to make find time to mention it during the live podcast recording of the show.
2 Comments1 Minutes
Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2014 — Part Two [Updated Feb. 2015]
January 3, 2015
Albums I wanted to hear every week; albums I would be happy to own in a variety of formats; albums I would like to put in the trunk of my car so that I can give them away to everyone I know; albums that made a significant difference in my head and heart this year.
2 Comments62 Minutes
Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2014 — Part One
On Songs & Albums,Blog,Music Reviews
December 31, 2014
1 Comment18 Minutes
Q&O: What I’d Change in My Memoir. My Favorite Moviegoing Companion. Top Albums of 2014 So Far. Why You Rarely See Me Smile. More “Noah” Bashing. And More!
September 2, 2014
Who do you take to the movies? Why are you such a snob? What's your favorite album of 2014 so far? Why do you rarely smile in pictures? Questions are coming in, so... time for another Q & O = Question and Overstreet!
4 Comments24 Minutes
Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2013 — Part Two (#10-#1)
December 31, 2013
What music meant the most to you in 2013? Here are my personal favorite albums of the year— a top ten list for a year that was overflowing with great music.
3 Comments31 Minutes
Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2013 — Part One (#25-#11)
December 28, 2013
I've narrowed this year's list of my favorite records down to 25 titles that I would have happily included in a Top 5 list at the end of a typical year. I invite you to listen to standout tracks, counting down from #25 to #11.
0 Comments16 Minutes
Overstreet’s Favorite Recordings: 2012
On Movies & Media,On Songs & Albums,Blog
December 31, 2012
I'd invite you all to a New Year's Eve Listening Party, but there are just too many of you. So allow me to deliver this party to your doorstep. Here is some music from my favorite recordings of 2012.
4 Comments19 Minutes