Amour (2012)

Michael Haneke's "Amour" is taking a beating from religious-media film reviewers. I think the accusers are wrong. In Haneke’s movies, the lives of civilized, sophisticated, well-educated people are disrupted, reducing them to beastly behavior. It's a theme prevalent in his work: the capacity for evil in all of us. That's just one of 10 reasons why I think "Amour" deserves a closer look.

29 Comments44 Minutes

How "Downton Abbey" Should End

I don't care to know how "Downton Abbey" really ends, because I can't think of a better ending than this one...

1 Comment1 Minutes

Valentine's Day Special: Are These the Top 25 Films About Marriage?

When I think of great big-screen testaments to the challenges of lasting love, three films jump immediately to mind. And they're on my mind today as I peruse a new list of "The Top 25 Films About Marriage" from the Arts and Faith community, which is hosted by Image.

7 Comments12 Minutes

Side Effects (2013)

This story is full of the sort of surprises that a reviewer is likely to spoil if he says much. I won't spoil them. And yet, I feel compelled to say that the surprises aren't much to get excited about. They come from the Magic 8 Ball of Hollywood Plot Twists, as arbitrary as they are implausible.

2 Comments7 Minutes

In Space, No One Can Hear You Have a Mid-Faith Crisis

It's a beloved science fiction novel, full of adventure, suspense, terror, and questions about the existence of God and the problem of evil. Would it make a good television series from the makers of "Mad Men"?

1 Comment4 Minutes

Looking Elsewhere: February 1, 2013

These links caught my attention today, for one reason or another. Check back later. I may add more look-worthy links as the day goes on.

0 Comments5 Minutes

The Awful Truth: "Portlandia" and How to Succeed in "Journalism"

"Don't waste my time" — that's the prevailing attitude for most readers on the Internet. But here's the thing: If you don't take time to read, re-read, discuss, and reflect on what you're reading, then you are wasting your time. I know because I'm guilty of this. I can spend hours perusing the Internet, and the next day I won't think about any of it. At all. That was time wasted.

1 Comment8 Minutes

"The Master": Too Much Art for Oscar?

This article by Tyler Sage on Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master," published at The Los Angeles Review of Books, is so refreshing after reading a storm of hasty reactions, wild accusations, and complaints about this "difficult" work of art. It's a thoughtful, patient, studious consideration of this film.

0 Comments4 Minutes

In Honor of Sister Rose Pacatte

I'm delighted to see people taking notice of Sister Rose Pacatte, who goes about her work with a spirit of curiosity, fearlessness, discernment, and humility. She doesn't write with a sanctimonious, presumptuous, or condescending tone. She writes and speaks, rather, as a friend on the journey, sharing insights and impressions without any heavy-handed piety, without ranting.

2 Comments3 Minutes