What Do 2013’s Most Stylish Vampires Have in Common with Johnny Depp, Tom Waits, and Bill Murray?

What do 2013's most stylish vampires have in common with Tom Waits, Johnny Depp, and Bill Murray? A director: Jim Jarmusch.

2 Comments11 Minutes

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Five years ago this week, I was so excited about seeing Harrison Ford return to the role of Indiana Jones — and even more excited about seeing Karen Allen return to the role of Marion Ravenwood — that I had a great time watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Then I saw the film again...

3 Comments15 Minutes

Hey, Steven Spielberg, Nicole Kidman, and Ang Lee: What’s Your Verdict?

What film prize means more to filmmakers around the world than an Oscar? Somebody won it today. And most American moviegoers — munching popcorn and slurping corn syrup as they watch disposable, factory-made films — won't even notice that it happened.

2 Comments8 Minutes

Podcast: What Do Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, and Jay Gatsby Have in Common?

Two posts back, I gave you a challenge: Close your eyes. If I say the word “masculine,” who is the first familiar face that you see? Who’s the man? In this podcast on masculinity and action heroes, one of the panelists was particularly enthusiastic about a certain actor who's been seeing a lot of action...

0 Comments2 Minutes

Sometimes There’s a Man: Who’s the World’s Most Masculine Guy?

Close your eyes. If I say the word "masculine," who is the first familiar face that you see? Who's the man?

13 Comments3 Minutes

Scorsese’s Interest: What About the Soul and the Heart?

Martin Scorsese is soul searching as he prepares (again) to film Shusaku Endo's masterpiece — "Silence."

1 Comment5 Minutes

Upstream Color — Don’t Miss It

I’ll write a full review of "Upstream Color" in time. But it will take time. Consider this just a first-impression burst of enthusiasm. Believe me, you don’t want reviews to explain this movie to you before you see it. So, here are a few fumbling attempts to describe it without spoiling it…

5 Comments4 Minutes

Look! An April Shower of Distractions — Six Links

Just in case you missed them, here's a list of six distractions from the past few days. It's a parade of bizarre attractions starring... Quentin Tarantino, Steve Taylor, Donald Miller, Roman Coppola, Wes Anderson, Andrew Sullivan, Steve Martin, Edie Brickell, and a feast served by somebody named Babette. If you have work to do, avoid the following links at all costs...

2 Comments12 Minutes