Indiana Jones and the Pirate Muppets of Dagobah

Today, Disney took control of the Indiana Jones franchise. So I challenged my friends to see who could come up with the best title for Indiana Jones V. Here are a few of their suggestions...

1 Comment2 Minutes

Disney’s Frozen Get Chilly Reception (From Some of My Favorite Critics)

"There’s nothing I’d like more than to tell you [that Frozen] is a musical fairy-tale triumph: a throwback to the days of Beauty and the Beast, like many critics are saying." That's how the great Steven Greydanus begins his review of Frozen. Can you sense the pending "But..."? Here it comes.

8 Comments5 Minutes

Looking Elsewhere: November 11, 2013

This week, Looking Closer sends a Hi 5 to the Face out to Fast Company, NPR, Todd Fadel, Ridley Scott, Christianity Today, Sam Phillips, Matt Zoller Seitz, James Rocchi, Mike D'Angelo, John Sayles, and more!

0 Comments9 Minutes

A Dog Named Inigo, A Cat Named Scully… and Other Pets Named After Movie Characters

A few days ago, I asked people to speak up about the pets that they've named after characters from movies. Then it started raining cats and dogs.

2 Comments4 Minutes

12 Years a Slave (2013)

It's a film I would encourage every American over the age of 16 (in general) to see. It's important. It's necessary. But it is also, in my opinion, limited and even undermined by certain aspects of McQueen's artistry.

5 Comments22 Minutes

What’s “The Most Cinematic Movie” Ever Made?

What movies pop into your head if I say the word "cinematic"? Tell us about your favorites, and why they are "cinematic," here.

16 Comments16 Minutes

Did You Name Your Pet After a Movie Character?

Do you have a pet named after a movie character? If so, send me a snapshot, the name of the pet, the movie that the name comes from, and your name, and I'll include it in an upcoming post.

4 Comments1 Minutes