The Flood Hits Home Video: Give Noah a Chance

Since Aronofsky's surprisingly (and maddeningly) controversial film "Noah" has finally arrived on home video (video on demand, streaming, blu-ray, and DVD), let me point you to my own review and the best reviews of the film I have come across to date.

0 Comments1 Minutes

Who Among Us Is Thirsty? — A Reflection on the Loss of Robin Williams

I am sick at heart over the loss of one of my favorite imaginations.

14 Comments17 Minutes

Lucy (2014) : A Looking Closer Film Forum

I haven't seen "Lucy" yet ... but the clash of opinions about it among critics I respect has been entertaining and intriguing.

0 Comments5 Minutes

Boyhood (2014): A Three-Part Response

In which I think through Richard Linklater's movie "Boyhood" by interviewing my 7-year-old self, my 15-year-old self, and my 20-year-old self...

2 Comments37 Minutes

Overheard at the Movies: Persecuted, Noah, Wish I Was Here, Life Itself, I Origins, and A Most Wanted Man

Does the film about Roger Ebert get a "thumbs up" at Christianity Today? Is Persecuted an "overwrought, alarmist cog in the paranoia machine"? Is Noah "laughable and silly"? Does Wish I Was Here peddle "mushy feel-goodisms"? And how is Philip Seymour Hoffman in A Most Wanted Man?

0 Comments9 Minutes