One wild ride

I'm a nervous wreck. I saw a movie last night that had enough suspense for several thrillers.

0 Comments1 Minutes

The Marty Party: Scorsese and Me

It's Martin Scorsese's birthday, so I'm polishing up my existing Scorsese-film reviews and restoring some that have been missing from the site for a long time.

0 Comments8 Minutes

The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928): a Filmwell dialogue

In which Michael Leary and I discuss the "sheer visual horror" of Dreyer's classic film.

0 Comments14 Minutes

The Peanuts Movie (2015): A Looking Closer Film Forum

As The Peanuts Movie opens in theaters, the news seems to be good.

1 Comment7 Minutes

Trailermania: Anomalisa, The Wonders, & more

Let's look at some new trailers and see if we like the smell of what these studios have cooking. Post your reactions, or your new favorite trailers, in the Comments.

1 Comment5 Minutes