Your Daily Dose of Flannery

WARNING: Yesterday's blog entry by Abraham Piper (on John Piper's blog) is wired to explode and shake up the sensibilities of Christians in the arts everywhere.

He's armed with combustible quotes from Flannery O'Connor... the kind of truth that can start fires.

Proceed with caution. You just might become inspired. And who knows what might happen as a result.

Today at Noon at Seattle Pacific University...

Today at Noon at Seattle Pacific University, I'll be reading from Through a Screen Darkly, answering questions, and prodding people to share a movie or two that has been personally meaningful for them.

It's free. You're welcome to join us on the second floor of the SPU Library, in the Library Seminar Room.Read more

The Dark Knight's big explosion

Director Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Prestige) just blew up a building in Chicago!Read more











Details about ordering, reviews, and how to join me for the celebration parties,

are here.

Forgive me, but I'm a little excited about this. I've dreamed about this since I was, oh, what... five?

Church Play Auditions: The Heartbreaking Saga of Sean Gaffney Continues

Did you miss Parts One and Two of Sean Gaffney's series about art, excellence, and Christians who throw tantrums when someone tells them they're not good enough for the church play?

When you've read those...

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Matt Zoller Seitz on Owen Wilson

Here's a piece on Owen Wilson that's so much better than the wave of tabloid hysteria over the movie star's current crisis.

"Chariots of Fire" Sequel In the Works

I spoke with a film producer several months ago about his new endeavor... a sequel to Chariots of Fire.

The premise for the film was interesting and based on the true story of what happened in the lives of Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams after their Olympic victories.

And now, the project is far enough along that the news is starting to spread.Read more

Christ the Canceled

Looks like creative differences have buried the big-screen version of Anne Rice's Christ the Lord... at least with Good News Holdings.

I have a hunch that it'll rise again.

Album review: The Ragbirds, "Wanderlove"


I've been listening to the new album by The Ragbirds for a few weeks now, and it's been growing on me. So I'm ready to report...

First: Listen to new songs by The Ragbirds here, on their MySpace page.


When Yes Nearby danced its way like a whirling dervish into stereos two years ago, The Ragbirds won themselves some enthusiastic new fans. Then, as if to prove that they could bring their shapeshifting style to the stage, the band released an energetic live recording: Catching Fire.

Now, with Wanderlove, The Ragbirds are back and their sound is as eclectic as ever. They haven't lost any of their ambition, as this twelve-song release covers just as many subjects, and just as many styles, with zeal and skill.

What's changed?

Read more

Over the Rhine in the Netherlands

Here's a new review of The Trumpet Child from The Corner Table.

Here's video from their August 18 performance at the Flevo Festival in the Netherlands. It's a live performance of "Latter Days" on the festival's main stage before close to 10,000 people. You can watch it directly by using this link. (requires Windows Media Player) (Thanks to Matthijs de Jong for the link!)

And here's the latest update from Linford, reminiscing about the band's last few weeks across the pond.

And guess what arrived in my mailbox yesterday...

Ahhhhhhhhhh, vinyl!