What I See When I Walk Into My Study
My writing room at home is very small. And cluttered.
But I don't look at the mess when I walk in the door. I look at the poster that is staring back at me on the vaulted ceiling, staring me right in the face.
This man changed my life. With a sock puppet. And a big imagination. Some of my most vivid childhood memories are all about Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, and The Muppet Movie. Pure imagination, inspired hilarity, and boundless invention. When I'm asked who my heroes are, Jim Henson often beats out J.R.R. Tolkien as my answer.
Seeing him as I walk to my desk, I am truly inspired. This guy started with nothing more than a piece of fabric, a couple of ping-pong-balls, a black marking pen, and a big idea. When I'm writing the Auralia's Colors stories, if I get stuck I sometimes ask, "What would happen in this scene if the characters were Muppets?" I'm reminded that I need to create the character's unique voice and mannerisms in my head, just as each of the Muppets had their own personalities. When I ask "WWJHD?", things happen.
So I am very, very interested in this news.
The 2007 Critics' Choice List from Christianity Today's Film Critics
You saw the first list, the Most Redeeming Films of 2007. Now, here's the Critics' Choice list. I just can't wait to read the mail this week!
Sweethearts: Sara Zarr's New Novel Wins Raves (Of Course)
Just as Sara Zarr's first novel starts out on a journey to the silver screen, here comes here second novel: Sweethearts. And it's not just for kids.
Congratulations, Sara! You're unstoppable!
Winners in the Cyndere's Midnight Contest
Thanks to everyone who submitted creative and frightening names in the "Name the Character" contest!
After playing around with many of the names, I had to go with the names that "stuck." Yes, some of you put a lot of thought and study into finding words with meaningful roots and histories. But when it came down to it, there was something about...Read more
A Day of Poetry and Fantasy: Celebrate Anne's Birthday!
It's Anne's birthday!!
If you want to send me an email with birthday wishes for Anne, please do, and I'll pass them along.Read more
It's official: Guillermo Del Toro Will Direct "The Hobbit"
The Guardian makes the announcement.
Guillermo del Toro has officially signed up to direct The Hobbit, according to reports leaking out from a film premiere in France. The Pan's Labyrinth creator will oversee a double-bill of films based on JRR Tolkien's fantasy adventure, which paved the way for The Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson, director of the Oscar-winning Rings trilogy, will serve as executive producer.
Many thanks to the near-omniscient Brendan Ribera for drawing this information from a cloud.
On Monday, I'll finish it. In September, it's yours.
On Monday, February 4, I'll be finished with my revisions for Cyndere's Midnight. And then, the countdown begins.
Let me again answer what is bound to be the most commonly asked question:
It's pronounced like the word "cinder."
Congratulations (again) to Sara Zarr!
I remember sitting in the writer's workshop where a witty young woman named Sara passed around a chapter of her project. And we were all impressed. And then, she had a few words of critique for the chapter that I contributed to the discussion... from a project called Cyndere's Midnight.
So much has happened since then.Read more
Today: Auralia at SPU!
"Food for Thought"
You're invited to bring a brown-bag lunch into the Seattle Pacific University Library where I'll be reading from Auralia's Colors, talking about the series, and answering questions. Copies will be available for purchase.
When: TODAY (Thursday, January 31), 12:30 to 1:15 p.m.
Where: Seattle Pacific University Library Reading Room, Main Floor