Whether you are finishing up your Thanksgiving leftovers (if you are so blessed), or if you have been deprived of a feast this year, I am grateful to report that Alissa Wilkinson and Sam Thielman, hosts of a podcast not-so-seriously titled Young Adult Movie Ministry, are inviting you to a “feast” of a conversation about the movie Babette’s Feast.
I had the privilege of listening to them, learning from them, and offering some thoughts of my own in this feast-focused podcast episode.
Highlights? Why, yes — I’ll share a few:
1) Listening to Thielman bravely soldier on with his commentary while somebody in the background (of his studio, or Alissa’s?) leans on their car horn repeatedly.
2) Listening to Wilkinson testify about discovering the secret to her own podcast-equipment technical difficulties.
3) Hearing Thielman talk about his first experience of Jurassic Park.
4) Hearing Wilkinson talk about her first experience of Kieslowski’s Three Colors trilogy.
5) Getting to share stories about what happened in the English Literature class my senior year of high school.
6) Hearing Wilkinson say with surprise “This is probably the most Christian episode we’ve ever recorded!”
I am grateful that she and Sam have set aside time for this regular conversation of wit and wisdom. It was such a blessing to experience it with them.
And now, it’s free for you to enjoy!