It seems inevitable: a Looking Closer podcast!
I’ve decided to celebrate my arrival at the half-century mark by launching a new series of Looking Closer recordings at This will give me an opportunity to build a library of episodes in which I share my enthusiasms for new movies, music and more; bring new perspective to subjects I’ve covered in past years here at the site; and host conversations with special guests.
The Looking Closer podcast will include a variety of episodes:
Short, specific episodes of 15 minutes or less;
Tracking Shots:
Close looks approximately 30 minutes long; and
Master Shots:
Sweeping, epic episodes of more than 30 minutes.
Listen to the very first episode here!
In this introductory Master Shot episode, I give close attention to a dramatic turn at the climax of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, and find there a vocabulary for why I started writing about movies in the first place… and why I’m compelled to launch this series.
Then, check out Episode Two!
In this “Tracking Shot” episode (approximately 30 minutes), I look at the 2020 documentary “Flannery” and how it might be useful in a trending argument about the stories of Flannery O’Connor and how she represents African Americans in her stories.