“The father of Christian rock” — Larry Norman — is dead. And as you might expect, Andy Whitman has written something appropriate to this solemn event. UPDATE: CT on Larry Norman. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Andy Whitman Larry Norman Obituaries Related The Oscars, and How to Pick a Real Winner...The Browser, Post-Oscar edition 2/25: Best Day Ever!, Critics picks, and Raymond Chandler
Thanks for the link, Jeffrey. It sounds weird, but Larry Norman was an important part of my growth as a Christian. “Stranger in a Strange Land” holds a very special place in my heart…
I saw Larry some 34 years ago when he played at a local park in Lancaster PA. I didn’t know who he was nore did most of the crowd so it would seem. He was not introduced but just came on stage, a band shell and started singing: just him and his guitar. He played about 30 minutes and left. A guy came on stage and said “Thanks for coming”. And that was it. I had to go buy the album, Only visiting This Planet to know what he sounded like because I talked with friends the whole time he sang.
Saw him again during Creation Festival sometime in the late 90’s and he was just as enigmatic then as he was back in the early 70’s. i’ll miss him.