Other reviewers and geek-sters are bursting through the gate with ecstatic, hyperbolic, joyous reviews of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel.
You-know-who… Mr. “I’m first with every review”… is raving and raving about it.
I’m sworn not to post details. But brace yourselves, I’m going to have a hard time writing my review in anything less than 16-point, bold-faced type when July 6 arrives.
I highly, highly recommend that you go back and watch the first one again right away. Trust me. It’ll enrich your experience of the second one.
Yeah, but really, what are you trying not to say here?
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
I like Cyndere’s Risk.
I like Cyndere’s Midnight.
I like Midnight too.
Cyndere’s Midnight. It has the same mysterious quality that Auralia’s Colors does. The word “midnight” also sounds risky to me, so it’s sort of those 2 titles mixed together. The other 2 are more concrete. Unless that’s how you want to go. Which would be fine, too! BTW, I’m very intrigued by these books.
And I can’t wait to read your pieces about Fountain & Flags. I’m very interested in those films.
Not knowing much about the stories I’ll take a guess. I like the way “Midnight” plays against “Colors”.
BTW, I’m curious about the name “Auralia”. It makes me think of the tune Aurelia to which we sing the hymn “The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord” or several other hymns…
But in fact Aurelia has all kinds of interesting meanings and associations…
I’m looking forward to finding out what it means to you, Jeffrey.
I’ll be honest: While I wish I could say that I chose the name for its intriguing array of associations, truth is I made it up during a hike in the woods, and I stuck with it because it sounded good. The associations I discovered later were a cool surprise, but I’m glad I spell it differently.
Thanks for mentioning the hymn, though. I *didn’t* know about that one.
At the risk of sounding corny, Cyndere’s Risk sounds too much like a play off Schindler’s List . Might confuse the uninitiated.
Dying for three of those reviews: Flag of Our Fathers (heard some questionable things about this), Prestige and The Fountain (a film that I hope is just great…)
Well, as The Fountain has played at festivals, there’s no review embargo, so I’ll say this for now: You might want to adjust your expectations slightly. It’s worth seeing, and it’s more of a head trip than any of Aronofsky’s previous films, but it’s not entirely satisfying. Great effects, ambitious concept, good performances. And its exploration of the power of myth is provocative. But what is the film trying to show us about good and evil and the path to eternal life? That’s not nearly as comforting as Aronofsky seems to think it is…