Got the daily bundle of letters in response to the Brokeback Mountain reviews, but I also received one that was quite unusual. I don’t usually post the complimentary letters because I don’t want to appear to be glorying in somebody’s appreciation. But this one really struck me…
While I am not Christian, nor even theistic; I truly wanted to commend your work on this site as being insightful if different, from that of most reviewers. Your brief description of the once uber-popular Fight Club, is the best review of that picture that I have read. You say that these young men seek to destroy the “rat race,” but in doing so, they replace it with something much worse, chaotic, and bleak. Its clarity has much to do, I think, with the philosophy of your site about an ethically minded perspective.
I do not agree with most of your reivews, but I am enthusiastic that there is a site such as yours that has the ‘approval’ of the Rotten Tomatoes group of critics.
I can sometimes be quick to write someone if I disagree with their review of something. But when was the last time I wrote to somebody whose views I disagree with… just to point out the couple of things I might admire about their work?
What a humbling gesture.
Thank you, sir.