A Novelist, A Horror Filmmaker, and Two Critics: Conversations Worth Hearing

Scott Derrickson, Alissa Wilkinson, Sara Zarr, Steven Greydanus... listen to all of these inspiring Christians talking to each other about art and criticism!

1 Comment1 Minutes

Viewer Discussion Advised! 12 Steps to More Rewarding Moviegoing

Share this with your family and friends. Make a copy for your pastor. And start your own church-basement movie club! But be sneaky about it. The first rule of Sight Club is this: Don't talk about Sight Club.

0 Comments2 Minutes

The 2014 Looking Closer Beauty Pageant – Contestant 2: Ewa

"The Immigrant" is going to bless those who love cinema more than entertainment, who want something to think about and talk about instead of something to pass the time.

0 Comments13 Minutes

Ida (2014)

Welcome to the 2014 Looking Closer Beauty Pageant. So far this year, I've found four compelling contestants who manifest a different definition of beauty than the one embraced by popular culture. And it should come as no surprise that these characters appear in movies that have barely made a blip at the box office.

2 Comments15 Minutes

You’re Not a Sexist Moviegoer. Or… Are You?

We're about halfway through 2014, and as I look at the Top 20 Box Office hits so far, something troubles me. Where are the substantial leading roles for women? I'm not talking about wicked queens in fairy tales and Hunger Games-style action heroes. I mean women. You know... women who inhabit worlds like ours.

15 Comments8 Minutes

How to Train Your Dragon 2: How to Spoil a Sequel

This isn't really a review of How to Train Your Dragon 2. It's more of a sigh of disappointment. This movie starts the engines of so many interesting story possibilities, and then devolves into just another "Come at me, bro!" battle spectacle.

7 Comments9 Minutes

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014): A Looking Closer Film Forum

I'm thinking about seeing "How to Train Your Dragon 2." So I'm consulting the opinons of Steven Greydanus, Scott Renshaw, Tasha Robinson, and Susan Wloszczyna...

1 Comment8 Minutes

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014): Or, Confessions of an X-Men Ex-Fan

I'm not going to try to talk anybody out of liking "Days of Future Past." I can see why it's getting such great reviews. But in the whole film, I found only one sequence particularly memorable...

7 Comments21 Minutes

The Return (2003): Why Moviegoers Everywhere Must Learn to Say “Zvyagintsev”

If you hear film buffs shouting "Zvyagintsev!" in the coming months, do not say "Gesundheit." The proper response is this: "When do I get to see Leviathan?"

0 Comments11 Minutes

Gadzooks! A Godzilla for Malick Fans?

Here are some of the more intriguing paragraphs I've read about Godzilla...

4 Comments4 Minutes

Star Wars – Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999): Looking Back 15 Years

I know, I know. Take a deep breath. Let go of your anger, young Jedi.

6 Comments25 Minutes

Aragorn’s Favorite Peter Jackson Movie (Hint: It’s Not The Return of the King)

It's another return of the king! Aragorn is back, and he has some kingly wisdom to share with us...

2 Comments3 Minutes

30 Must-See Movies for Kids

Featured in a WORD-FM Radio interview, here's my list of more than 30 of my favorite films for children. Do you like lists? I've got more where that one came from...

7 Comments2 Minutes

Saving Mr. Banks (2013) … or Squandering Mr. Hanks

If you want to hang on to that warm "Mary Poppins" feeling, you may just want to stop reading — because "happiness" is about the opposite of how I felt when I finally sat down to watch "Saving Mr. Banks."

7 Comments19 Minutes

Hey, Moviegoers: You’re Invited to a Secret Seattle Q&A

If you could meet and interrogate your local film critics, free of charge, would you do it?

0 Comments2 Minutes

TEN YEARS! Pt. 2: The Best of Looking Closer – 2005

This blog turns ten years old on May 11, 2014. And this post is Part Two of a ten-post series in which I'm celebrating by reflecting on some of my favorite experiences from Looking Closer's first decade.

0 Comments2 Minutes

Podcast: Listen as a Theology Professor, an English Professor, an Ordained Minister, and a Film Critic Talk About That Noah Movie

Did the theologian think the movie was "un-Biblical"? Did the English professor think the "rock monsters" in the movie were "stupid"? Did the ordained minister think that God was absent in the film? Did the film critic think it was "the worst Christian movie ever made"?

1 Comment3 Minutes

TEN YEARS! Pt. 1: The Best of Looking Closer – 2004

This blog is turning ten! Let's look back a whole decade. What were the highlights here ten years ago?

2 Comments12 Minutes

Listen Closer: Joe Henry; Peter Gabriel & Elbow; The Secret Sisters; Hiss Golden Messenger; Belle & Sebastian; Beck Covers Arcade Fire

Sample new music from Joe Henry, Elbow, Hiss Golden Messenger, The Secret Sisters, Belle and Sebastian, and Beck.

3 Comments7 Minutes

Under the Skin (2014)

Feel free to eavesdrop as I argue with myself upon exiting the theater after seeing Jonathan Glazer's troubling new sci-fi horror film Under the Skin...

3 Comments12 Minutes

Q&O = Question & Overstreet! On Muppets, Korean Cinema, U2, God’s Not Dead!, and more.

Q&A time! If you're interested in MFA programs, Korean cinema, Muppets, God's Not Dead, U2, or my dubious opinions... here we go!

3 Comments10 Minutes

God’s Not Dead (2014): A Looking Closer Film Forum

Now, two of the finest film critics in Christian media agree: There's something quite contrary to the spirit of the Gospel at the heart of the smash-hit "Christian Movie" God's Not Dead.

7 Comments7 Minutes

I’m Singing On the Radio. Forgive Me.

This weekend, I'm a guest on "Tapestry with Mary Hynes" on CBC radio and, in some places, on NPR. Also, on Monday I'll join a panel discussion on "Noah" at The Kindlings Muse. You're invited!

0 Comments4 Minutes

Noah (2014): Part Two of a Two-Part Commentary

In which two very different moviegoers wrestle with Noah, and with some of the questions that the movie asks.

22 Comments30 Minutes

Noah (2014): Part One of A Two-Part Commentary

Darren Aronofsky made an epic Old Testament movie in which he wrestled with some of humankind's most difficult questions. And Christians responded with admirable attention, grace, intelligence, and humility. Right? No? That didn't happen?

7 Comments14 Minutes

Is It Dangerous? Biblical? Gnostic? Awesome? — Here’s All The Noah That’s Fit to Print

Let's focus on the reviews of Noah that demonstrate an actual love for movies, an interest in our neighbor Darren Aronofsky, and a willingness to engage his ideas.

26 Comments8 Minutes

Three Years Ago Today, We Raised Our Glasses to the Ale Boy

"This is my favorite fantasy series," says the latest Amazon reviewer of The Ale Boy's Feast, the fourth and final book in my series of fantasy novels called The Auralia Thread. "I recommend it to everyone 13 through 120."

1 Comment6 Minutes

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

Every scene was like a spectacular frosted pastry with a sharp object baked into the middle of it.

3 Comments21 Minutes

Seven Films That the Oscars Forgot

Now would be a great time to catch up with what the Oscars missed. And they missed a lot. Good news: Most of those titles are now easily accessible for you to enjoy at home.

0 Comments1 Minutes

The Passion of the Christ: Revisited

Would I now disagree with the review I wrote ten years ago? Would I flinch to read what I wrote back then?

4 Comments38 Minutes

What’s So Funny? – Part 2

When movies make fun of religious characters, should we laugh?

1 Comment31 Minutes

Looking Closer with Jeffrey Overstreet

(now the ears of my ears awake andnow the eyes of my eyes are opened)

– e. e. cummings, “i thank You God for most this amazing”