How to Train Your Dragon 2: How to Spoil a Sequel

This isn't really a review of How to Train Your Dragon 2. It's more of a sigh of disappointment. This movie starts the engines of so many interesting story possibilities, and then devolves into just another "Come at me, bro!" battle spectacle.

7 Comments9 Minutes

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014): A Looking Closer Film Forum

I'm thinking about seeing "How to Train Your Dragon 2." So I'm consulting the opinons of Steven Greydanus, Scott Renshaw, Tasha Robinson, and Susan Wloszczyna...

1 Comment8 Minutes

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014): Or, Confessions of an X-Men Ex-Fan

I'm not going to try to talk anybody out of liking "Days of Future Past." I can see why it's getting such great reviews. But in the whole film, I found only one sequence particularly memorable...

7 Comments21 Minutes

Aragorn’s Favorite Peter Jackson Movie (Hint: It’s Not The Return of the King)

It's another return of the king! Aragorn is back, and he has some kingly wisdom to share with us...

2 Comments3 Minutes

Big Screen 2014: Been There… and Back Again… and Again…

There's a new "Gilligan's Island" movie in the works. What's more, those two sequels you've been dying to see are finally happening: a follow-up to "Rounders" and the mandatory "Shakespeare in Love 2." What will we do while we wait for these grand contributions to cinema? No worries. Here's what Hollywood has in store for us...

3 Comments6 Minutes

Indiana Jones and the Pirate Muppets of Dagobah

Today, Disney took control of the Indiana Jones franchise. So I challenged my friends to see who could come up with the best title for Indiana Jones V. Here are a few of their suggestions...

1 Comment2 Minutes

When You Wish Upon Star Wars – Episode Seven

So, Princess Leia is a Disney Princess now. Despite all of the fanboy dreams that are kindled by the news, I still can't get excited about it. Lucas did a thorough job of spoiling my enjoyment of the world he created. Still... if Disney hired me as a consultant, here's what I'd suggest...

6 Comments1 Minutes