Happy Fifth Birthday, Auralia! (Enter to Win One of Two Prize Packages)
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
September 4, 2012
Today, Auralia turns five years old! So, in the spirit of Bilbo Baggins, I'm giving stuff away to some of the party guests...
8 Comments3 Minutes
Have You Ever Attended a Birthday Party… for a Book?
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
August 31, 2012
I'm inviting friends and readers old and new to join my Auralia's Colors Birthday Party. It's simple: Write a toast. Not to me, but to the title character... Auralia. (She's the one who deserves it.) Prizes await two of those who "raise their glasses"...
0 Comments7 Minutes
Auralia’s Colors… Revealed!
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
July 27, 2012
Once in a while, somebody responds to my fantasy series The Auralia Thread in a way that makes the whole five years of work worth it.
5 Comments3 Minutes
Touchstone on Auralia's Colors
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
July 11, 2011
0 Comments1 Minute
Winners of the Raven's Ladder Dream-Cast Contest!
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
February 15, 2010
0 Comments1 Minutes
Who would you cast? (Answer, and You Might Win a Prize.)
Overstreet's Books,Blog,The Auralia Thread
January 15, 2010
2 Comments2 Minutes