Thanks to the folks at Image for this:
A central part of Image‘s mission is to showcase the wealth of contemporary writing that grapples in a serious way with religious faith. But, of course, we are also always mindful of Image‘s “patron saints” — T.S. Eliot, Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, Georges Bernanos, Shusaku Endo, to name but a few — authors and thinkers who have inspired many of the writers who appear in our pages, and who inspire us as we put those pages together.
Image‘s “100 Writers of Faith” grew out of our contribution to the flurry of top 100 lists made in 2000. It covers the twentieth century.
In selecting books for this list, we decided to list an author only once, so that we would end up with 100 different writers. Moreover, only creative writing was considered: fiction, poetry, drama, and creative nonfiction. The works selected had to manifest a genuine engagement with the Judeo-Christian heritage of faith, rather than merely use religion as background or subject matter.
Check out the list here, and then add more names to the list in the Comments.