LATEST UPDATE: 4:02 p.m.

If you haven’t heard about this, see my earlier blog.

Things are getting crazy. Here’s my paraphrase of the craziness so far.

Barbara Nicolosi: I’m hearing from a guy ‘in the know.’ Caviezel is the front-runner to play Superman.


Mark Millar: Caviezel’s Superman. I heard it from a trusted source.

Harry Knowles: No he isn’t. Our sources are better.

Newspapers everywhere: Caviezel is Superman! Because Mark Millar said so!

And now THIS, TODAY:

Millar: I’m so positive, I’ll donate 1000 dollars to charity if Caviezel’s not Superman when the cameras start rolling.

And it gets even BETTER!!

Harry Knowles: I’ll take that bet! I’ll put 1000 dollars on the line for charity too!

This is more exciting than the film will probably be!

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